Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 The riddles of babies ' first words have yet to be solved .
2 Although an initial consultation paper was issued in October 1991 , the aims and functions of the SWSI have yet to be finalised .
3 The main application is for the disinfection of process water but economic and performance advantages over chlorine have yet to be fully demonstrated .
4 All these problems regarding parallel computers have yet to be solved by the large community of researchers in the field , but their solution will dictate the nature of future supercomputers .
5 Whilst the Conservative government was delighted to have sold back to the private sector one of its most difficult privatisation candidates , the impact of recent changes in the car industry have yet to be fully assessed .
6 He had a copy of Cnut 's Letter of 1027 , and his additions to the eleventh-century Chronicle have usually to be taken seriously .
7 Although the floodlights have yet to be installed , the club have now got planning permission from Montgomeryshire District Council .
8 Decisions relating to the possible rebuild or replacement of the aircraft have yet to be made .
9 Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented , including that made by John Major ( as chancellor of the exchequer ) at last September 's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers .
10 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
11 A spokesperson for the CRF says : ‘ The benefits of screening have yet to be proved by a massive random study . ’
12 Now the wall has come down , Leipzig city council is still pressing ahead for the museum to be built , although the building funds have yet to be found and the competition to find an architect will not be until 1993 .
13 His conclusion is that tales of cannibalism have yet to be proved — they are travellers ' tales rather than anything else .
14 There are many other markets where Guinness brands have yet to be introduced .
15 The advantage of this form of development is highlighted by the success of the recently floated Wetherspoon Organisation , where from a portfolio of 44 trading units , 28 have been developed from unlicensed property and a further 18 sites have yet to be converted .
16 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
17 Quotas for career registrars were issued two years late , and those for research registrars have yet to be issued .
18 A few years ago Japanese-Americans were compensated for being interned during the second world war , and some ( mostly white ) people have begun to point out that blacks have yet to be compensated for centuries of slavery .
19 The drove-roads of England have yet to be identified and pieced together .
20 However , these aspirations have yet to be fulfilled .
21 In particular the opportunity to provide students with the humane education of literary study and the scientific education of linguistics is a unique combination whose advantages have yet to be fully recognised .
22 Although the structure and powers of the new committee have yet to be decided , conservationists argue that the additional bureaucracy will slow down the process of designation , cost a lot of money , reduce the power of SNH and may result in designated sites losing their status .
23 Thirty-five years later diplomatic relations with North Korea have yet to be established .
24 The effects have yet to be fully assessed , but there is some concern that , as bus companies are no longer allowed to engage in cross-subsidisation ( ie direct profits from profitable routes towards subsidising unprofitable ones ) , unprofitable routes and evening and weekend services may be forced to close .
25 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to grapple with the full implications of the whole ERA for pre-school education , particularly with regard to ‘ opting out ’ , financial delegation , especially as , at the time of writing , vesting days for each of these major elements have yet to be announced , and discussion would be speculative .
26 OSF says final contracts specifying who is responsible for re-working and integrating which pieces of DME have yet to be exchanged , although Tivoli Systems Inc boss Frank Moss says ‘ we now report to IBM , not OSF . ’
27 It says final contracts specifying who is responsible for re-working and integrating which pieces of DME have yet to be exchanged , although Tivoli Systems boss Frank Moss says ‘ we now report to IBM , not the Open Software Foundation . ’
28 Dogs , of course , have done their street work and further matters have yet to be overcome !
29 Support bands have yet to be confirmed , but Deep Joyn will join the band for most dates .
30 Support bands have yet to be confirmed , but Deep Joyn will join the band for most dates .
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