Example sentences of "[noun] were [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These schools were to be non-denominational and open to inspection .
2 Local schools were to be free to buy in the services of private organisations to inspect their standards .
3 What was done to achieve this elusive parity of esteem which was required if the new schools were to be acceptable to parents and pupils ?
4 Indonesia 's trade and economic relations with Taiwan were to be unaffected by the resumption of ties , although the memorandum noted China 's appreciation that Indonesia had " consistently " recognized the administration of the People 's Republic as the sole government of China , of which Taiwan was an integral part .
5 In spite of some very idealistic pronouncements and general high hopes , it soon became apparent that the best efforts of the League of Nations were to be frustrated with ease by the fundamental and unresolved differences of opinion as to the exact meaning of Free City status .
6 In 1850 his eldest son David became a partner and soon six brothers were to be involved in the firm in various capacities .
7 The United Kingdom and the Governments of several other member states consider that , if national measures of the type at issue were to be contrary to the articles of the E.E.C .
8 Arrears were to have been resolved by the introduction of the " unified housing benefit " , according to which tenants on supplementary benefit were to be relieved of responsibility for paying their rent by having it siphoned off directly by the DHSS .
9 The bold claim that all models were to be available from day one quickly fell flat .
10 The only enterprises to be excluded from this plan were to be geothermal power stations , the central airport , and " possibly " the railways and other important national facilities .
11 He also laid down certain rules fur balance , on the need to bend the knees always as a preparation for any kind of step followed by a stretch , on the vital use of the head and on the need fur the co-ordination of all parts if the desired movements were to be precise and elegant .
12 judges were to be irremovable , trials were to be held in public , juries were to adjudicate serious criminal cases , and elected justices of the peace were to hear minor criminal and civil cases .
13 Between 1941 and 1947 , Rank 's companies were to be responsible for financing half the films made in Britain .
14 The physical and organizational settings in which children 's learning took place were to be all-important , and the combination of PNP resourcing , advisory effort and enhanced school staffing were all to be directed to their improvement , or to establishing what advisory staff termed ‘ the quality learning environment ’ .
15 The stations were to be vast in size but unexciting in form .
16 These heavy round-arched stations were to be influential in Ontario , Canada , in the same period , and the Romanesque , rarely among station styles , proved amenable to both small- and large-scale treatment .
17 The Activist Confederations were to be associate members who were to disseminate the belief in corporatism throughout the community .
18 One was Augustine , whose ideas were to be fundamental in forming medieval Europe 's views on the subject .
19 In practice , however , simple majorities were to be applicable only in six very minor and procedural areas .
20 His name was Marlon Brando , and his crimes against the establishment were to be rude to influential columnists , to fail to turn up at functions ( and when he did turn up he wore T-shirt and jeans ) , and publicly to deplore Hollywood and its natives .
21 The Justices of the Forest were to drive the deer from all disafforested districts into the remaining forests during the forty days after disafforestment : after the expiration of that time places put out of the forest were to be exempt from the operation of the Forest law .
22 However , the reformism of this period did not appeal only to manual workers , and among men of the 1945 cohort of voters middle class electors were in fact more likely to be Labour than working class electors were to be Conservative .
23 My fears were to be unfounded as the nurse chatted to me and before could stop fantasizing about women in uniform the needle was in and the blood was pumping .
24 Ideally , the roles of husband and wife were to be complementary , the husband earning the wage and the wife acting as ‘ chancellor of the family exchequer ’ and spending it wisely .
25 Collective w worship and religious education were to be compulsory in all county schools .
26 If the overlap were to be complete we would have perfect communication : both parties would have identical perceptions and whatever happened in one bubble would happen in the other .
27 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
28 Partnerships were to be developed between central and local government , social problems were to be relieved and a better demographic balance was to be achieved between the older cities and their surrounding conurbations .
29 In the provinces , distress committees were to be responsible for both the registration of applicants and the provision of work .
30 It was forbidden to punish children by confinement during the night , and corporal punishment was not inflicted except for boys under the age of fourteen ( and then at least two officers were to be present ) .
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