Example sentences of "[noun] were going [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These select committees were not intended to be tied to producing particular reports , but were to collect information and let the House and the public know what disputes were going on and what agreements were being reached within ministries , between them and between civil servants and outside pressure groups .
2 It had felt as though sparks were going round and round inside her head and flashing out of her eyes .
3 But the survey showed that it was difficult to judge whether standards of spelling were going up or down .
4 Thousands of flags were waving , helium balloons were going up and air balloons were coming down , two separate bands at both ends of the huge auditorium were playing different songs and everyone was cheering and screaming their heads off .
5 and er with my son particularly earlier on in his career things were going round and round in circles and in the end I had to step in at one point , grab all the papers as they came past as they were and saying , come on .
6 I read in one of the other papers that GG also said ( what many on this list have said before ) Cunt'anas was great when things were going well but would let you down when they were not .
7 Things were going well until Dorothy became impatient .
8 Things were going well until the arrival of the Borg , a multi-armed , part-organic battleship that was virtually indestructible .
9 I also stated that when I felt that things were going well and the government was settled I would take a trip and that trip starts now .
10 They knew as did their children when things were going well and when they were not .
11 " Jack " , in Dublin , had been to bars and meeting-places , had made inquiries , had met this man and then that , reporting back to Bert and Jasper that things were going on as they should .
12 Bill Copland ordered action stations at midnight , when the German searchlights were going out as the anti-aircraft defences stood down .
13 Never mind , the dates were going in and the last few weeks of the tour in the Eastern states were coming up .
14 I watched it for several minutes , and they seemed to be landing and one was stationary in the air , without moving , and the rest were going up and down .
15 I could n't get to sleep , and I noticed in the air there was a red light flashing , and several other green lights flashing , and they were coming , helicopter noises , and er I watched them for several minutes and they seemed to be landing and one was stationary in the air , without moving , and rest were going up and down .
16 yeah cos Derek were going backwards when we went round the corner were n't we ?
17 But Mosley campaigned in Tuscany by phone and by the time he returned to London for the autumn , the plan was set , letters were going out and Balestre was in for a surprise .
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