Example sentences of "[noun] we [vb mod] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If we took half the amount of effort in planning our future we would be much more certain of making that a success too .
2 I will not yield to the temptation to reflect on the problems that face this university and the Centre for Continuing Education as part of it , but I think that it 's fair to say that in the future we will be hard put to maintain the volume and variety of the contribution we have been trying to make to adult education in the community .
3 If briefly distracted from watching a film or television programme we should be very surprised not to be able to remember anything about it afterwards .
4 ‘ If we had shown any form at all outside Anfield we would be up amongst the leaders .
5 Yet with any luck we shall have a dozen bold new hens to lay eggs for us next year - and even if only half of them manage to emulate their mothers in the matter of bringing up families , by mid-summer we shall be positively over-run .
6 If they decided on a search we 'd be deep , deep in the shit .
7 There 's a lot of stuff happening nationally which could affect us , and for the sake of eighteen months we might be as well waiting .
8 Dr Edwin Pugh , director of public health medicine , said : ‘ Most accidents occur when children are in the street or straying on to the road as parents we must be completely vigilant . ’
9 First , we need to have more control and accountability for our clinical practice ; second we need to further develop our analytical skills to make us more confident and effective members of the multidisciplinary team , and third , by appreciating the managerial themes in our work we should be better equipped to establish constructive dialogues with our managers who may now be non-nurses .
10 In such an exercise we should be especially alert to identify the unreached , contact new arrivals and respond to unmet needs .
11 At home we 'd be constantly waiting for windows in the weather .
12 You see if we can get away on holiday earlier this year because the violin exam 's in June or in July we 'll be back .
13 If we beat Blackburn we will be only 2 points behind then and have an excellent chance of securing a place in the UEFA cup next year .
14 But if we do n't get into that position in the first place we 'll be out .
15 Over the next 12 or 13 weeks we 'll be out and about .
16 About another three weeks we should be out of the real winter sha n't we ?
17 But if manufacturers were to try too hard to come up with new ideas we 'd be constantly faced with designs to rival Gibson 's semi-mythical Moderne and Burns ' Flyte in the grossness stakes .
18 If we make that our aim we will be there or thereabouts .
19 Down in that dip we will be completely out of sight .
20 ( In some cases we can be more specific and assert that the associative mechanism in question must be that responsible for acquired equivalence .
21 ‘ And in three hours we 'll be home , ’ he said .
22 In an hour we will be back on the road again . ’
23 But you might say , and I councillor did say in fact that of course we would be most unfair in the way that we did this because to quote from him er we were giving no time , no time for discussion , no time for evaluation no time .
24 Our task is to consider the situation from the earliest primary level through till , certainly the compulsory school-leaving erm age , sixteen , but of course we shall be very interested in developments between sixteen and eighteen .
25 Within the University we shall be actively seeking new projects and refining and developing the current list .
26 If you are interested in coming to our University we shall be very glad to find a place for you if we can , and most certainly to welcome you if you are admitted .
27 But if we have everything ready to leave as soon as I get back from chess and I 'll make sure I leave promptly if we can come straight away then , with a bit of luck we 'll be on to the M twenty five b by half past four so we might
28 In this case we can be absolutely certain that the two bird species have invented echolocation independently of bats , and independently of each other .
29 In that case we should be back in something like the unsatisfactory position we were in before the introduction of comprehensive schools , when the least successful children were relegated to schools that were openly admitted to be inferior ; and it is likely that the ‘ good ’ schools would , many of them , choose to free themselves from their Local Authorities .
30 But in case we should be so facile as to see this as a Grimes leitmotif in the Wagnerian sense explicitly rejected by Britten , we must notice the somewhat complex history of the theme after its first full appearance , as well as the fact that almost every theme in the opera ( apart from the non-recurring tunes of some , but not all , of the individual songs ) could be called a " Grimes " leitmotif , which would leave us where we began .
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