Example sentences of "[noun] we [vb base] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In my borough we have a lot of odd-shaped kitchens .
2 So coming off the top of the furnace we have a mixture of nitrogen , quite a lot of that , carbon monoxide and a bit of carbon dioxide .
3 They learned that as an association we have a claim on the school , especially if it is open .
4 At Kunstat we visit a ceramics factory , where you can try your hand at the potter 's wheel and buy some very reasonably priced pottery from their retail outlet .
5 In the money supply equation we adopt a policy rule which Barro ( 1976 ) showed would lead to policy ineffectiveness ; that is , we assume that the quantity of money is linked only to the once-lagged value of :
6 With this in mind we take a look at the kind of thing the cold weather walker should be wearing on page 26 and bring you the latest thermals on page 24 .
7 But in the New Testament we encounter a change : the tense is a resounding present indicative — the Kingdom is here ! ’
8 As a result we operate a booking system which aims to give as many people as possible an opportunity to play .
9 As a result we have a reinforcement of the police and an overloading of the penal system …
10 Pallister said : ‘ When I get back to Old Trafford , I will tell the lads we have a fight on our hands .
11 ‘ Well , on the hallstand we have a set of those ball things Argentinian cowboys swing round their heads and jump in and out of … ’
12 Dick Van Dyke we have a look at him what , what does he do ?
13 In the next chapter we review a number of recent empirical studies of the introduction of new technology and associated changes in work organisation , and these substantiate our conclusion that there is no general trend , either toward or away from de-skilling .
14 In this chapter we examine a number of different forms of short-term contract working in a number of different sectors .
15 In this chapter we explore a variety of theories and research findings about the relationship between new technology and people 's experience at work , concluding that such technology has the potential for improvement as well as for harm .
16 never stop all day Thursday and Friday we have a lull about lunch time on a Wednesday and Thursday and Friday but that 's it , you know it 's
17 Later illustrations brought in more : they included the whole life-cycle of an insect , as the plates of butterflies and moths of Humphrys and Westwood ( 1841 , 1843–5 ) do ; in their handsome but crowded pictures we find a number of close species , on characteristic food plants , thus getting both system and ecology .
18 To those who achieve that pinnacle of scholarship we award a Ph.D .
19 To those who achieve that pinnacle of scholarship we award a Ph.D .
20 In this study we present a series of equipment that facilitates the handling of 32 P and at the same time protects the hands of the operator .
21 By comparing these two roles we see a change in the use of drawing files .
22 French filmmakers produce several hundred movies a year , while in Britain and Ireland we declare a boom if we get into double figures .
23 In Scotland we have a Mountain Bike Code of Conduct which is about to be published and distributed on all new sales .
24 After the opening session we have a series of workshops .
25 As an immediate corollary we obtain a result you might have stumbled on in your researches into Problem 3 .
26 ‘ All partners are technically self-employed but in order to prevent them from getting into a frightful mess we deduct a percentage from their drawings , so there is something put aside for tax .
27 In such areas we discover a whole lived ‘ colouring ’ , and a wide area of actual social practice , which are culturally specific and thus analytically indispensable .
28 In the next act we see a mountain village , where a feckless Kuomintang soldier is slouching around keeping an eye on the villagers .
29 In the first half of each act we have a seascape followed by a variety of genre scenes interspersed with conversations , arguments , quarrels .
30 In this issue we take a look at the face from different angles .
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