Example sentences of "[noun] we [vb base] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The words we use are only a part of how we communicate .
2 As a simple assertion of one woman speaking for tens of thousands of women , those two words we rebel are very necessary …
3 But like many other nations we have been deeply concerned by the violence in the Baltics , and we have communicated that concern to the Soviet leadership .
4 ‘ We talk to them about the style of service and food they are planning and the figure we recommend is often less than they had estimated , ’ he says .
5 The consciousness we experience is most usually a structure derived from complex processing of information from the senses and elaborately categorized to make a consistent ‘ picture ’ against which fresh information can be sorted and ‘ understood ’ .
6 The child we have is well nourished and cared for .
7 In previous lives we have been both male and female , both bad and good .
8 ‘ For decades we have been gradually slipping behind .
9 The community we serve is largely made up of families who have come to England from a rural district of Bangladesh called Sylhet .
10 Erm , so what we wanted to do was , we 've had we 're doing quite well with the ov , erm , the five weeks we 've been together but we wan na make sure that you do combat erm a successful pact .
11 The judgements we make are surprisingly flexible .
12 Well in actual fact to te to tell you the honest truth we 've been so busy one way and another over the weekends have n't we ?
13 It is disingenuous to claim that the conventions we propose are simply ‘ better ’ than the traditional ones ( more accurate , more precise ) , because really it is a question of political and ideological preferences — the traditional usage embodies one view of the world , the feminist alternative a different one , and we need to make clear that both these views are politically non-neutral .
14 Four years we 've been apart , and you 've never once tried to get in touch with me .
15 Over recent years we have been subtly conditioned into an expectation that charities and voluntary organisations should legitimately be used across an ever-increasing range of services .
16 ‘ For the last few years we have been seriously handicapped by the fact that our second team have been unable to compete regularly against quality opposition .
17 During the past few years we have been almost suffocated under a pile of reminiscences .
18 Prof David Brock , of the university 's department of human genetics , said : ‘ Over the last ten years we have been very successful in finding defective genes .
19 Women with paper qualifications were more successful at re-entering their original occupation than employees of banks and public administration whose skills we surmise were more specific to the employer .
20 Mm Yeah we 've been found it really difficult finding a baby sitter really I 'm surprised ever since we 've had Lisa we 've been really bad uh uh actually having baby sitters and you know actually making the effort to go out really .
21 ‘ Overall , I 'd say the level of support we offer is as good as most other companies in our industry , and a good deal better than some . ’
22 The everyday household products we use are also of vital importance to maintain a ‘ green ’ lifestyle .
23 The second is that the experiments we do are only as good as the psychological theories that underlie them .
24 Ever since we first played together for London Schools and roomed together on a tour to East Africa we have been very close .
25 Why , a young curate we know was actually dancing six months after he fell from his bicycle . ’
26 The meat we consume is often too fatty .
27 Much of the art we produce is qualitatively different from that of non-Disabled people .
28 Here 's our stop press of wines we believe are specially worth looking out for .
29 3 ) These are the things WE feel are absolutely essential to a local newsletter and would want to continue .
30 If you select the monthly income option you have the advantage of a guaranteed , regular source of extra income , but the interest rate we pay is slightly lower than that payable under the lump sum option .
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