Example sentences of "[noun] we [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Later , he complained : ‘ The whole row is based on a false assumption : that as readers we need to be protected from the disappointing facts about the lives of writers , if we are to continue to admire their work .
2 In the future we need to be quicker than the competition and totally focused on customer satisfaction and production requirements .
3 It does n't take too much imagination to guess that this means ‘ draw a circle centred at x = 10.5 , y = 24.75 , and of radius 3.9 , in whatever units we happen to be using at the moment ’ .
4 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
5 ‘ With the increasing emphasis on health promotion and screening we need to be more critical and to regard intervention with the same rigour that we use to examine a new drug in a clinical trial , ’ he says .
6 To gain attention and recognition we need to be able to attend to and recognise others .
7 And the horsepower range we work from is from seventy six , to two thousand horsepower .
8 But , says Hall modestly and realistically , ‘ Drilling has taught us that the first models we worked with were only the simplest of a large number of possibilities that were consistent with the observations .
9 Religion can not be divorced from morality in his view for it is belief in an ordered moral government of the universe and when we lose our basis in morality we cease to be religious .
10 Within the public sector we need to be aware of formal relations existing at different levels and we need to show how these organisations relate to each other .
11 It 's in response to Mr Allenby 's question we seem to be patiently waiting for I think he posed it some time ago about the county council 's view on whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy or whatever you call it , a major exceptions policy in the structure plan , whether the county council would object to it being pursued in the in the local plan .
12 ‘ They go together , ’ said Garvin , ‘ because the only legal basis we have for being in Egypt is that we 're here by the Khedive 's invitation .
13 What essentially what you need to do how to do is if you wan na be able to work Saturdays we need to be able to prove that in fact pound per , per item of post on a Saturday is cheaper than because the productivity in the week will be lower therefore and even at time and a half , the cost of doing an hour 's overtime for the work you get out in the week is , is less productive than doing double time with what you get out on a Saturday .
14 Cos when I , I used to take Tim , it used to be very safe then , the only danger we seemed to be in in those days was catching cold .
15 These days we try to be more communautaire than thou .
16 AT the moment we need to be aware of what is happening and make others aware too .
17 Under these circumstances the process we know to be distributed across all of the input/output cell connections appears to be localized in one neuron .
18 Some of the places we went to were absolute tips — paper peeling off the walls , damp patches on the ceilings — and video just glosses over it all . ’
19 It is invariably one whereby people have applied for those grants , they have gone through all the normal assessment criteria , which apply to any other art form , and if we feel that they adequately cover all those sort of areas then we respond , but as public body we have to be aware that groups , in applying to us , must fulfil the conditions that we lay down .
20 But even with poems we have to be careful .
21 Within five years we want to be close to 15 per cent . ’
22 The tenement building we moved from is now gone ( as is the one we moved to ) , replaced by a row of council blocks of impressive ugliness , vintage early sixties .
23 In the absence of such a link we seem to be committed to solipsism .
24 this freedom we talk about is worthy of their support because it is for them we fight ; it is for the establishment of a social system that is going to provide them with the opportunity and the means to develop all that is best in them and the Nation .
25 The first part we looked at was the diminished arpeggio intro phrase and main riff from the album 's opening track Perpetual ( figs 1–2 ) .
26 Few examples of complete trilobites are known and for the most part we have to be content with the exterior skeleton .
27 In both cases we seem to be dealing with a subordinated racism which becomes ‘ common sense ’ as a result of its articulation through a dominant but non-racist ideology of competitive individualism — a situation which is the exact opposite of what is normally argued !
28 erm there it is very difficult , all the cases we work with are fairly miscellaneous , so therefore have very individual problems , you know , that are different every time , so the anger is going to be different , but we come down to a lot of fundamental erm similarities erm often to do with bureaucracy and structures erm which people just do n't fit into , you ca n't force people to fit into boxes .
29 ‘ Now we have to put that behind us and get the two wins we need to be safe . ’
30 Of course we refuse to be biologically determined in that simple sense ; but biology is integrally us .
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