Example sentences of "[noun] she [modal v] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Folly watched in agony , praying that now she had found no card she would lose interest .
2 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
3 Mrs Leinen fears if they are flown back to the United States she 'll lose custody forever .
4 By these words she would remember form and colour .
5 She could make all the speeches she would like Tommaso to make , a hundred times over , and yet his awkwardness under her mother 's severity filled her full of pity too , and her chivalrous love returned to warm her and fortify her , suturing the cut that had opened in her earlier at his muteness the night before .
6 Allow me to say , sir , that if you make Mistress Andrews your lady she will do credit to your choice .
7 She also informed the Queen she will share Christmas with the Royal Family on her own terms , and will stay with the Duchess of York in a farmhouse two miles from Sandringham .
8 In return she will do research or voluntary work .
9 In a few hours she would come face to face once more with that same man who was responsible for his death and this time she was intent on making absolutely sure that what had been a teenage crush on her part remained just that .
10 This was fun ; with any luck she could say goodbye to facials , mud-packs and manicures .
11 If I took the food away from her too often , though , there was a danger she would lose interest , so I had to give in to her a few times .
12 In a few weeks she would part company with NCPR .
13 In so many weeks she must find work .
14 In Thailand she will take part in an ecumenical meeting which the Burma Council of Churches will attend .
15 For the daytimes she would need swimsuit , snorkel and flippers ; oilskin , so rain could not stop her going out ; Hunter boots and crash cap because she was bound to find a riding stable ; tennis racquet — on the offchance , as Rodney did n't play ; a frisbee ; a lilo ; shorts , walking boots , a pedometer , a compass , a small knapsack and a thermos .
16 Second , to obtain recognition , as French Foreign Minister Schuman put it in tripartite talks with the Americans and the British in September , 1949 , that the French were the hard core of resistance to communist attempts to take over , initially , Indo-China and ultimately all of Southeast Asia and that as France was fighting the battle of all the democratic powers she would need help .
17 She had always told him how proud she was of him , that he should work so hard to support his son in a far-off country and how one day she would tell Oreste it was due to his father 's efforts that he had been so well looked after .
18 One day she would tell Star , the moment when it was right to tell .
19 She ignored the flickering screen , and let her thoughts drift on , because it was one of those rare times when she was thinking well , when striking and truthful ideas seemed to occur to her effortlessly , rising fully articulated into the mind , when it seemed possible that one day she might write poetry .
20 In her new role she will acquire fiction and non-fiction for the Weidenfeld general list with editorial director Allegra Huston , reporting to publishing director Ion Trewin .
21 As she got to the top of the stairs she could hear Marguerite arguing with Alain .
22 In the morning she would ring Marguerite .
23 She was throwing a fit of screaming hysterics and every plate , cup , stool , cushion and knife she could set hand to .
24 When she had tired of her games she would take wing and fly away , and even if she stayed , how likely would it be that she could ever settle down as that poor doctor 's wife ?
25 When there were no flowers in the garden she would pick seed pods and wild things from the forest .
26 At the end she could see part of the ward , a gleaming parquet floor and white-painted bedsteads .
27 Cleo realised she was frightened , but if there was the slightest possibility she could catch sight of Inky 's shade , she was prepared to risk whatever might happen over the next few hours .
28 With a helpless little movement she sat up , drawing up her knees and hugging them as if in some way she might glean comfort from the gesture .
29 and she said my sister spends I mean , we 're now talking about nineteen seventy my sister spends twelve and six a week on things from for the house on the hire purchase if she ever truly runs into debt she 'll save part of the cost of the thing , you know and then she knows that she 's always going to have to put twelve and six a week aside but she does that and buys things for the house and you see if you 've got if you 've got that little bit of extra coming in it 's quite well it 's like my lodgers , Brenda if I could n't if I could n't get what I need from my lodgers well Neil pays me Neil 's house rent which thirty pound a week
30 She smiled bravely and replied to the effect that next time she would take care to marry a politician .
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