Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] just been " in BNC.

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1 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
2 In the event , the letter to Anselm containing the passionate phrases condemning lay investiture which have just been quoted , had no effect on the subsequent negotiations .
3 So it will help to keep your Bible open at the passage which has just been read to us , from the ninth chapter of the gospel according to Matthew .
4 Erm it comes back to the point which has just been made about the er , about the erm why have this system of election by thirds and almost backfired on , on , on , on the leader of the council yeah ?
5 The process which has just been described is clearly a very complex affair , but most of the decisions involved in it are programmable types of decisions .
6 The shelter sees many dogs which have just been dumped on Dartmoor — a favourite spot for ‘ losing ’ pets , as the wilderness has few witnesses .
7 Other infantrymen were irked by the impersonal casualness with which the heavy gunners crews emerged from their comfortable shelters to fire at targets they could not see , ‘ appearing to be much less concerned than about the soup or the bucket of wine which had just been brought ’
8 Measures of productivity in services — even within the restricted area which has just been examined — are , of course , subject to wide margins of error .
9 She turned her attention to the bowl of soup which had just been placed in front of her .
10 The photographers from the drawing office came in with the news which had just been broadcast on the radio .
11 Tom leaned forward , ignoring the piping hot servings of lobster meunière which had just been set reverently in front of them .
12 For the moment , however , we want to consider what might be involved in the processing of an individual clause , and we will suggest that the additional processing load at the end of clauses arises because of several different processes , some concerned with understanding the syntax and semantics of the clause which has just been read , and others with the relating of information in this clause to earlier information in the passage .
13 This was carried out by Sachs ( 1967 ) and it compared recall of sentences which had just been heard with recall of sentences which had been heard earlier in a passage .
14 As each excavator removes a layer of soil , decisions have to be constantly made : whether that soil is part of the layer which has just been removed or part of another layer ; where the boundaries to that layer are ; what the relationship of the layer is to the adjoining layers ; whether a soil sample is required ; and so on .
15 The psychological developments which have just been discussed were the consequences of a traumatic loss , that of the primal mother , and were responses to it .
16 In the command post further back from the beach , Corporal Williams , the duty radio operator , was decoding a message which had just been received .
17 He was trying on a new coat which had just been delivered .
18 The letter which has just been found refers to something like called a police operational order authorising the raid , saying that had disappeared by the time the police complaints authority started looking for it .
19 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
20 But the reform of the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy , or CAP which has just been agreed barely makes a nod to organic farmers .
21 The budgets which have just been prepared show that we are aiming to do even better in 1991 and the managing director 's reports on page 2 endorse this optimistic approach .
22 Just up the hill from us is a small pig-raising factory which has just been built and , as the sun sets behind the hills of our old enemy Tuscany , across the valley , we can hear the squeals of feeding time and , we fear , of transport and slaughter time .
23 The emphasis at this committee is on records which have just been released , or which are about to be released .
24 Finally , a look at Air Domes Ltd. , a new London based company which has just been formed to market the Yeadon Air structure .
25 It smelt of death and decay , lying green and treacherous like a contented animal which had just been fed , but one which was also ready for a second helping .
26 Now fully waymarked , the route is described in a booklet which has just been released .
27 The new high speed devices are the PALCE 16V8H-5 , 20V8H-5 and 22V10H-7 family which has just been released .
28 All the same , he found it pleasant to watch Hari reviving like a thirsty plant which has just been watered .
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