Example sentences of "[noun] as she [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 And if any of his fans still needed convincing , they had only to look into the happy , laughing face of his adoring wife Jean , at his side as she has been since his horrific car accident nearly three months ago .
2 Léonie kept her hands outside the covers as she had been taught by the nuns at her primary school .
3 She selected the first three pages — Lucy as she 'd been allowed to see her , and handed them over .
4 she 's just in the same condition as she 's been
5 He remembered their girl as she had been when he first had her through the system in Denver .
6 Unfortunately has been unable to edit this issue as she has been in Charing Cross Hospital for treatment after her mole pregnancy earlier this year .
7 Another discovered she had toothache one evening as she had been clenching her teeth all afternoon !
8 She did n't want to understand him , but heated recognition rippled through her as she stared at his mouth , as unwillingly fascinated by its sensual curve as she had been six years ago , when all her breathlessly adored heroes had suddenly become prosaic and petty with the advent of the man from Hong Kong .
9 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
10 This , of course , delighted the child and every night she stood in the wings performing everybody 's act with them , and even at the end of two shows , she was as bright in the dressing room as she 'd been at the overture .
11 He remembered Edith as she had been when a girl .
12 ‘ You must have rennet spilling out of your ears , ’ Algy said to Louise , who by now was beyond taking pleasure in such moves of friendliness and simply handed round the dish with her left hand behind her back as she had been taught , feeling mutinous and thinking proudly of a homeland where not junket but fondue was the commonplace .
13 Faye was lying on the outdoor lounger on the veranda as she had been yesterday , and she greeted Belinda briefly , her face creased with tension , before turning to Tom .
14 Mrs Carr had good reason to take such a stance as she had been born without arms .
15 Such meals as she ate were brought to her on trays by Janet , meals that Alexandra and Dora would plan with minutest care in the kitchen .
16 She reminded him very much of his own daughter as she had been not so long ago ; on the verge of womanhood , nervous and unsure but determined not to be put down or patronized .
17 The ceremony meant an unscheduled return to work for Christine as she had been off work with a broken hip , but was well on the way to recovery and set for a New Year return .
18 In her heart she thought : Kind as she has been to me , and much as I respect her , your wife , my lord , is the last lady living to whom I am likely to apply .
19 In summer , such free time as she had was spent on the Moor .
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