Example sentences of "[noun] as he made [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't know what he was talking about but I dutifully obeyed and we trailed the shambling figure as he made his way drunkenly out through a postern gate and down the steep , narrow alleyways of Nottingham .
2 During the afternoon , Mr. Penny would somewhat unsteadily make his way to the trap , get in , flop down and lightly pick up the reins ; the pony knowing what had to be done would start off , quickly breaking into a spanking trot as he made his way along Milford Street .
3 This week a soldier based at the top of Templar House flats in the New Lodge area shot and injured a suspected loyalist gunman as he made his getaway following a murder bid at the Sinn Fein office at Lepper Street .
4 He tried to ignore the murmured whispers and laughter as he made his way through the streets across London Bridge and back into Southwark .
5 ‘ Hilary 's not like that , ’ said Rose , struggling with a handful of vowels , but watching him from the corner of her eye as he made his way nonchalantly up the path .
6 He went off on a political career and before long was a Member of the European Parliament , always in the news as he made himself available for interviews and revealed a great flair for leading controversial campaigns .
7 He said he was sorry and normally obeyed all the driving rules , but this time failed to keep his eye on the speedometer as he made his way to Birmingham .
8 On the cold air as he made his way down his breath blew like smoke .
9 Davide caught his start when she leant over to give him a clean plate , how he set his chair straight and then , after a falter , flowed on , hammering the air with his clenched hands as he made his points , as if determined not to notice her .
10 Each Section of thirty men would construct an elaborate ‘ creche ’ or crib , and at midnight the results would be judged by the Colonel of the regiment as he made his rounds .
11 Mr Hardiman pointed the ear-piece of the golden spectacle frame at Ernest , stabbing the air to underline the points as he made them .
12 After that he 'd come down and hopped through a hole in the fence where the canal ran alongside some waste ground , and now he was staying off the streets as he made his way across town and toward home ground .
13 One man dragged a light machinegun as he made his way through the trench .
14 AN ARMED bank robber was mugged of his loot as he made his getaway .
15 ‘ Jaz ’ laughed and ‘ accidentally ’ trod on my foot as he made his way to take his first throw .
16 Lieutenants Makepeace and Harvey would always be his duty officers , thought Charlie as he made his way back across the parade ground in the direction of the company offices .
17 It 's believed they were left on nearby Sussex Drive by one of the car thieves as he made his escape .
18 David Adams , 42 , was knocked off his bike and run over by a van driven by a suspected drink-driver as he made his way home .
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