Example sentences of "[noun] as [pron] made her " in BNC.

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1 Mike let her go with rueful amusement in his dark eyes as she made her way towards the lift , having refused all offers of help with her overnight bag , which she slung over one shoulder .
2 There was n't an inch of clear floor anywhere , so that she could hear the sickening crunch of glass under her feet as she made her way along the hall and peered into the sitting-room , to be met by a scene of similar devastation .
3 Received by the king and queen as she made her entrance , she curtsied deeply , and waited with bated breath for what would happen next .
4 He kissed her hand with practised elegance as she made her curtsy and exchanged pleasantries with her , displaying a savoir-faire rare in one of his years .
5 Her shoes made no sound on the carpeted corridor as she made her way to the wardroom .
6 Julia was touched by the number of people who congratulated her on her recovery as she made her way with her cushion to her allotted seat at the end of the press benches , and gave several brief accounts of her illness to people who asked .
7 Once again Royal show fashions ranged between formal-summer-outfit-with-hat to skimpy suntop and shorts , but the lady who turned the most heads at the show was probably international visitor Isha Kamara as she made her stately progress around the show bearing her bag upon her head .
8 Disgust rose in Theda as she made her way along the gallery .
9 When they reached the old farmhouse she handed him the fare , absent-mindedly giving him a tip that was at least treble the size she would normally have made , barely aware of his delighted grin as she made her way towards the kitchen
10 Fran set her glass down , murmuring an apology as she made her way through the crowd and out on to the deck .
11 She kneaded her forehead as she made her way downstairs .
12 The streets of the city welcomed her as an old friend as she made her way unerringly towards the brilliantly lit entrance of Tivoli .
13 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
14 She was seen by neighbours as she made her way along Athelstane Road towards her home , minutes before passers-by found her lying on the pavement .
15 Caroline stepped from her shoes , then from her dress as she made her way across the room .
16 She had to run the barrage of more glances as she made her way over to the new extension , but she knew then that people looking at her was not on account of her being half an hour late , but on account of everyone , it seemed , knowing of her engagement .
17 There had been several nasty incidents recently in the town when lone women had been subjected to attacks of one kind or another , so she could n't help but look over her shoulder as she made her way along the rows of parked cars to where her small Fiesta was parked next to a sleek-looking Jaguar .
18 The Queen paused briefly to chat with children from the base as she made her way to view a specially prepared static display of the Corps ' role in providing technical and logistical support to the army .
19 ‘ An ’ I told himself to empty it this morning' , ’ muttered Nessie as she made her way out .
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