Example sentences of "[noun] as [pers pn] [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 He was dressed in a wide-sleeved ceremonial gown of dark silk and a soft hat embroidered with coloured threads partly hid his face from Lan and her brothers as they followed him through the doorway , walking barefoot between their father and mother .
2 Tears came into her eyes as she watched him , though she could n't have said why , but she did know it was something she 'd never forget , etched on her memory now forever .
3 Her excitement shone in her eyes as she showed him her sketches .
4 There were tears in Johnny 's eyes as he watched him turn into the laneway and out of sight ; he had a feeling he would never see him again .
5 Then he pushed everything from his mind as she touched him between his legs .
6 She dropped the saucepan as she saw him raise the pistol and aim at her .
7 Fran brought her thoughts back to the moment , forcing a slight , polite smile to her lips as she flicked him a quick sideways glance .
8 He moaned slightly with pleasure as she kissed him again .
9 He could still recall the sodden weight of the man , hanging from the iron rings upon the outer wall — the struggle to haul him up — the rush of water spewed from the gaping mouth as they turned him over … .
10 He still however was in a sufficient bad temper to punch Jocelyn in the mouth as she brought him tea .
11 Angry Brian Reatus , 44 , allegedly foamed at the mouth as he pinned him to the wall .
12 He executed the run well , without mishap ; Edouard 's heart was in his mouth as he watched him .
13 His hands dangled over the sides of the wheelchair as they took him to the salon to meet the Bishop .
14 She got up , gazing at him ; for this seemed not the crazy figure of recent days , but Jake as she remembered him from years ago , her own father .
15 Her finely shaped brows met in dark disapproval as she watched him pick at the lock with a thin piece of wire that he had produced from somewhere in the depths of his pocket .
16 The carpet sucked the soles of our shoes as we followed him through a drunken , grasping audience towards a small dressing room to the left of the stage , upon which Tanya was enjoying bananas for dessert .
17 That was what he meant to Mrs Sairellen Thackray as she served him the first of her good dinners of boiled beef and potatoes and onions towards which the town 's Chartists had all made their contributions .
18 He asked the question as she handed him his drink .
19 She squealed with delight as she recognised him instantly .
20 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
21 ‘ I see he bred a good hater , ’ said Isambard , looking him over at leisure as he held him , and smiling at what he found .
22 The blood was racing through her veins as she kissed him , her hands going blindly to his neck , running through his hair with wild abandon .
23 Cinnamond was greatly disquieted by the move as it deprived him of guidelines on which to base his reply .
24 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
25 The light seemed to fade from the brightly shimmering early evening as she heard him , and her heart felt as if an iron band was tightening mercilessly about it .
26 Maud 's hand tightened on his sleeve as she urged him to walk on towards the Serpentine .
27 I felt like a jaded casting director as I banished him to the wastepaper bin .
28 The court stated that they had to take the plaintiff as they found him .
29 The old man flicked his cigarette end into the trough as we asked him when the laundry had stopped being used .
30 The car drove off with a scream of tyres , and Fran shivered in sudden reaction as she watched him go .
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