Example sentences of "[noun] had given [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Just before he left , Creed had given him the date .
2 Eleanor had given him the opportunity he had needed .
3 Mrs Wright had given him the key to lock the door but he had n't locked it .
4 He looked at her and understood why her parents had given her the name .
5 After Mr Brocklehurst had given me the book and left , I felt I had to speak .
6 Willi had given them the briefest of explanations for their presence being required but they were becoming as alarmed as Gesner by this talk of lawsuits and the resignation of Franz Busacher .
7 Stephen had given her the task of co-ordinating the interiors for the hotel , following the design schemes he had commissioned from a well-known Paris-based designer .
8 Mrs Bradford had given her the complete day off for her father 's funeral and she did n't have to be back at the house in Newcastle Place until six o'clock .
9 I told him that Jo had given me the cash , though I was suitably vague as to exactly how I recovered her lost property .
10 Paris had given him the intellectual edge and the authority to do this .
11 Scott would bet that he had never worn the snakeskin overcoat Annabel had given him the Christmas before .
12 If Schopenhauer had given him the notion of a personal vision of life , Wagner gave him first-hand knowledge of a creative talent and the ambition to emulate its cultural achievements .
13 The Hochhauser Season had given her the courage to defy Georg — not to quarrel with him , she did n't want to do that — but to make it plain she was now her own woman , with her own life to lead , a life that might or might not include him .
14 His decisive , no-nonsense manner had given him the reputation of being a good doctor , and this had been only slightly dented by one or two spectacularly wrong diagnoses .
15 He was their only guest and of course her father had given him the ‘ big room ’ — used by the landlord himself in the winter .
16 ‘ My father called me Breeze , ’ she added , as he seemed interested ; and as she said that her mind went back to the hot summer 's day when her father had given her the nickname which had been adopted by everyone .
17 It seemed as though anger had given her the strength that rest in bed had failed to produce .
18 It took a long talk from one of the Sisters of Charity to make him realise that God had given him the gift of his voice and he was to use his gift with religion to help these people .
19 When Lyddy had gone , Alexandra went to one of her huge wardrobes and from beneath a pile of linen drew out the little morocco volume Aunt Emily had given her the evening of her arrival .
20 Her instructor had given her the name of a boy who was selling a sailboard and who would be here in time for the afternoon race .
21 Anne had given her the parcel to post two days ago and she had completely forgotten all about it .
22 The Galapagos islands had given him the clue by showing that small populations derived from the same original species could evolve in different directions when separated by a geographical barrier such as the ocean .
23 Moira Griffin , of Edgecombe Drive , explained that the death of a homeless man had given her the idea of knitting for the people who use the hostel .
24 Baptiste Taillé had given her the signal .
25 I thought Gav had given me the heave-ho for the minute .
26 When she had finished , she sat down at the kitchen table with the envelope Tracey had given her the night before .
27 She was so near to tears that her only outlet was to tell the whole sorry tale , including the news that Joanna had given her the day before .
28 Those in the agricultural contracting business who had attended said that ATB courses had given them the confidence and skill to undertake these jobs .
29 The Danes had given him the appropriately named Order of the Elephant .
30 A property millionaire had given him the key to the Mayfair pad where he squired Antonia .
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