Example sentences of "[noun] had [vb pp] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Six years ago she had been tongue-tied in his presence , and terrified by the strength of her reaction to him , her fear manifesting itself physically , stopping the breath in her throat , tensing her muscles and making her nerves leap every time he moved or spoke to anyone , and the rare occasions on which his glance had strayed idly in her direction , it had actually hurt her .
2 In mitigation Lawrence Hazell said the defendant had acted stupidly in accepting invitations to drive cars he knew were stolen .
3 Determined that such a calamity never be repeated , several of the survivors had banded together in order to cleanse the Fifth of all magical knowledge .
4 Well my pal and myself we took these two girls and we sat in the middle of the Temperance Hall and he said come on let's sit over on the balcony he says and put up my clothes by the radiator he says it 's been raining he says and it will dry them , so we moved , and exactly from were we moved was where the women got killed , just candelabra dropped on her and er when it happened the fella on the stage the comedian was singing , a hundred years from now you wo n't be here , and I wo n't be here and from the corner of my eye I could see something gradually dropping like one of these candelabras and I thought hello that 's part of the act you know , it was just gradually coming down and all of a sudden , whooosh and the roof came straight in oh and I do n't know sure I 'd I , everything went dark of course I mean it was all in blacked-out all the chairs were loose , so as the folks wended their way towards the exit doors they took the chairs with them , so they politely threw them back in the crowd that stood in the hall so you were dodging chairs as well as trying to get out , where we were , where we were seated the firemen were hacking at the windows thinking that it was a fire because all the dust had gone up in the air and the reflection of the light from the market I suppose and that would give the appearance of smoke , and he was , I said to this fireman I said there 's no fire , he says , he says there is I said there 's no fire in here , anyway we eventually got out but I took these girls back home to and I really , it was , properly unnerved us both and as we came on that old tram we were , we thought you know everything seemed to sort of upset us and when I got far more upset on the Sunday morning when I went to have a look at it , the whole roof had come right in , but there were fifty people got injured you know and about , oh there was one lady killed .
5 As an example , he contends that ‘ communism is a transference to the party state of the moral traits and the regulatory mechanisms of the exogamous community family ’ ( p. 33 ) , so that the electoral success of communist parties had occurred only in areas dominated by that family type , whereas in France ‘ Socialism … follows on quite naturally from Catholicism ’ ( p. 86 ) .
6 Within a few years of Karak Eight Peaks ' fall the Night Goblins had settled permanently in the ruins and split into many tribes based around the adjoining mountains and the tunnels that ran beneath them .
7 A series of reciprocal attacks by both sides had escalated since May , and tension had increased further in June when a federal commission of inquiry refused the villagers ' request to expropriate the land from the tribe .
8 Nevertheless , some teachers claimed that the appraisal had produced little in the way of changes and some had difficulty in remembering quite what the adviser had proposed at their own feedback session .
9 Every angle , line and contour were gently rounded as though the snow had drifted slightly in the wind .
10 The Elms had moved forward in their stolid fashion and were leaning ponderously over the tortured Balor .
11 It was apparent that Labour had done well in the old inner cities , which the population had been leaving in the previous decade , partly owing to the growth of suburbs , partly owing to the effects of wartime bombing .
12 In the past the people of Elling had lived communally in a series of longhouses that were not , as now , separated into single family dwellings .
13 On May 27 it was reported that the last 119 Cuban troops remaining in Angola had arrived home in Havana , five weeks ahead of schedule [ see pp. 36479-81 for 1988 agreement under which the Cuban troops were to be withdrawn ] .
14 She was referred for therapy and management help and within four months had improved dramatically in her relationship with her sons .
15 He denied any guns had been involved in the raid although Mr Beaton had said earlier in the trial he had been told he would be shot if he tried anything stupid .
16 Lyn Nofziger and Lee Atwater took responsibility for stimulating outside pressure on congressmen from fifty-four swing districts — areas of the country where there were likely to be many conservative activists and where the president had run strongly in 1980 .
17 Michael Davis , J. who heard the motion by Shoreham-by-Sea Urban District Council , in the High Court , for an order that they be at liberty to issue writs of sequestration , held that it was not necessary for the plaintiffs to satisfy the court that the defendants had acted wilfully in the sense of contumaciously , with a deliberate intention to defy the court order , since the Rules of the Supreme Court , 1965 , do not contain in Order 45 , Rule 5(1) , the word ‘ wilful ’ .
18 Barnett 's account of the Cabinet meeting of 1 February shows that matters had improved little in the command and control post of the British system of government since that awful day at Chequers in November 1974 when gloom descended :
19 For no reason Jack remembered something that girl Benny had said earlier in the day .
20 Gould had escaped just in time : a week after his departure a deluge of rain hit the Namoi plains , and the flash-flood that followed wrought havoc on the countryside .
21 But the NEC said that all the associations had performed poorly in relation to the criteria it had set for them .
22 In Italy and France in particular the Communists had done well in post-war elections .
23 Rural living standards in most areas had improved significantly in the 1980s , but last year for the first time they fell back .
24 Relations between the two countries had deteriorated sharply in mid-December when a Bangladeshi border guard was shot dead by Myanman troops [ see p. 38681 ] .
25 Fortunately East–West tensions had lessened sufficiently in Europe for the allies to live with these unresolved questions for the time being .
26 The glittering blue thigh had articulated sharply in the middle , shortening along its length and snapping the femur within .
27 State visits had become easier in the age of the railway ; photography , cheap prints and ceramics diffused the human images of rulers more widely than ever before .
28 The previous year , BASF , Bayer , Hoechst , Agfa and a number of smaller German companies had come together in the Interes-sengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie ( IG Farben ) .
29 In that moo , Jinny caught an echo of the bellowing noise Florence had made earlier in the year when they took her calf away .
30 Furthermore , Mr Farraday had made it clear that he planned to hold only very rarely the sort of large social occasions Darlington Hall had seen frequently in the past .
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