Example sentences of "[noun] had [vb pp] into [det] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , by 1988 General Electric had reorganized into fewer key businesses in order to overcome this problem , and in so doing had become more like a conglomerate .
2 Not since the demolition gangs had moved into that area south of the river to knock down the old tenements and clear it for redevelopment .
3 His job had turned into such a jest over the last few weeks that the thought of putting on his uniform , that humiliatingly naval-looking , obviously non-sea-going uniform , made him stiff with bashfulness .
4 Almost certainly textiles had fallen into some disarray by early 1524 .
5 At this , the sorely-tried husband had broken into such cries of frustration and wrath that the good doctor had thrust aside his plate and gone out into the hall to discover what all the hullabaloo was about .
6 It was plain that Adam had gone into this aspect of things .
7 So many dreams had gone into that house , so many hopes .
8 Maxim had run into that before , on exercises , when he wanted to dig his troops in among the growing vegetables , and probably Hitler 's soldiers had been no more welcome .
9 Britain and France had drifted into this war and could n't hope to win against such a combination .
10 Amy had gone into some detail as to how her husband had effected that state of affairs but beyond that , prevented partly by her inexperience , partly by her natural reserve and partly , indeed , by the barrier which Amy 's misery put up , Theodora had not penetrated .
11 ‘ Even at the age of eight years old , I knew how much love had gone into that case … ’
12 Maggie could tell from the expression on Mr Sanderson 's face that much thought had gone into this .
13 A neighbour found Bourgois had crashed into another vehicle .
14 They were often together trying to think how the babies had got into this state .
15 Spurs had come into this match unbeaten in their previous eight matches , and although they have improved their League standing , the cup competitions remain their best hope of success .
16 It did not need the tug of her rein to stop , every ounce of its ability had gone into that leap .
17 Charles had been moved early on by the plight of disadvantaged young people and much of his energy had gone into that .
18 Of course , Mr McGibbon would have been delighted if his son had turned into another Stephen Roche .
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