Example sentences of "[noun] had [vb pp] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 The stranger had arrived in this world .
2 ‘ They say if Jean had stayed in that night and washed her hair then she would be alive today . ’
3 Her great-grandparents had lived in this house ; it was her great-grandfather who had bought the farm ; but from where had come the money for a Polish immigrant to buy a farm in those far-off days remained a mystery to both her grandfather and , of course , her father .
4 Over the years brambles had spread in all directions and had wound round the barbed wire , so it would have taken an axe or some other sharp tool to have gained entry , one certainly could n't have reached the top of the stairway at all .
5 He was quite calm , a slight smile on his lips , a kind of self-sufficiency there that Munro had noticed in many airborne soldiers .
6 After he had sent off this AC/189 , Gen McCreery took steps to deal with the second signal he had received from Gen Keightley that morning , the 0.413 in which Keightley had reported in more detail on the imminent arrival in Austria of the 300,000 German and 200,000 Croat troops , and had asked for authorization to accept the surrender of these forces as " formed bodies " .
7 In the closing er , pages of the , of the book , Freud draws on a suggestion of Darwin 's , which is that , in the beginning , human beings lived in what Freud calls primal hoard , and the primal hoard social structure is one that Darwin had observed in many mammals .
8 The deal was all too similar to others that he knew unscrupulous businessmen had perpetrated in this country and others .
9 Contrary to making it plain that they were just friends , Simon had indulged in some imaginary kiss-and-tell .
10 All the emotional turmoil and excitement of the outbreak of war , all the long drawn out details of my training , the thrills of flying and the fear of death , all the bustle and anticipation of the last few days had ended in this , in my standing alone on a slushy path in the late afternoon with absolutely nothing whatever to do .
11 A deep split within the MRTA had resulted in several dozen deaths among MRTA adherents during January and February .
12 But these commissions , mostly for the originals of jokes and cartoons which Willis had managed in former times to sell to magazines , had grown fewer and fewer in the last ten years , as , indeed , had the drawings themselves .
13 As the Allies had discovered in all their abortive offensives , however wide the front might be there would always be a devilish machine gun on a flank that could hold up a whole division ; broaden the front to eliminate that machine gun , and inevitably there would be yet another on the new flank .
14 The tension in the room had changed in some way .
15 The petitioner still had to prove breakdown by demonstrating one ( or more ) of the following ‘ facts ’ : that the respondent had committed adultery ; that the respondent had behaved in such a way that the petitioner could not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent ; that the respondent had deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years ; that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least two years and that the respondent consented to a decree being granted ; or that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least five years .
16 Lloyd Executive Selection had risen in this period to become a major contender alongside MSL and PA .
17 Poor Law expenditure per head of population in 1904–05 was 10 per cent lower than it had been in 1833–34 , although real income per head had doubled in that period .
18 No doubt about what Daniel had seen in this woman .
19 If evolution had continued in that vein , the elephants and the dormice might have crossed in the middle !
20 So over half the strongest firms had fallen in these eighty years .
21 Many things had died in this room and left their stink behind .
22 She was a fiercely proud , independent woman and these qualities had passed in more than abundant measure to her daughter .
23 The US State Department 's Francis Fukuyama even dared to talk of the ‘ end of history ’ by which he meant that the ideological struggle between Marxist-Leninism and liberal democracy had resulted in such a clear victory for the latter that its predominance in future could not be challenged .
24 Moreover , Franco had seen in this development an aspect he could exploit for the reinforcement of his image as deliverer of the nation from evil .
25 Lord Hugh Cecil doubted if his father had dealt in such things but suspected " that both Asquith and A. ) .
26 Climate and geology had combined in this part of the Oriental Region to produce ideal conditions for the creation of new species and subspecies .
27 Already several hundred people had entered in this way , and before the doors were open the lower floor was about filled …
28 But he pointed out that estoppel by representation was not pleaded , and that no evidence had been led to establish that the building society in advancing the £15,000 had relied in any relevant sense on the contents of the transfer .
29 If Berowne had thought in these terms , then this was an incongruous place in which to receive so honoured a visitation .
30 Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg ( 1847–1934 ) and General Erich Ludendorff ( 1865–1937 ) formed a uniquely successful military partnership during World War I. Hindenburg had fought in both the Austro-Prussian War ( 1866 ) and the Franco-Prussian War ( 1870–1 ) .
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