Example sentences of "[noun] they [vb mod] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
2 ‘ I wonder which side they 'll be on , ’ Petion murmured , with a hint of worry in his voice .
3 As a result they will be less susceptible to being ‘ fooled ’ or ‘ surprised ’ by the actions of the monetary authorities .
4 In future they will be out of the game until they have been put on-side .
5 In the past , that is , Japanese firms have been export-driven ; in future they will be less likely to export their way out of trouble .
6 Like most of the true crabs they can be very destructive in the reef tank .
7 Because application forms provide the basis of what is in reality a preliminary round of the interview they should be well thought out .
8 Nor did I know that our intestinal tracts are those of a herbivore , 32 feet long and that if we were meant in enjoy Contre-filet braisé à l'ancienne they would be only a quarter of that length .
9 In retailing , " seasons " were fairly short , the most important covering the month or two before Christmas and the " sales " period immediately afterwards ; in the holidays industry they could be very much longer , covering the entire period from late Spring to early Autumn .
10 in practice they should be very infrequent .
11 Their combination of styles can lead to blandness occasionally , but when the Circus throw caution to the wind they can be both powerful and inventive .
12 But what I 'm saying is some schools they might be here seventy five days out of a hundred but for twenty of those
13 The regiment worked in four-man modules , each man having a special skill ( i.e. explosives or navigation ) , and officers and men had the same training , so that in the event of casualties they could be virtually interchangeable .
14 Well if Shirley and Marguerite are off to Florida they could be there now could n't they ?
15 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
16 Although they are regarded as parts of the pleura they may be conveniently referred to here on account of their close association With the wing attachments .
17 However , like all modern inventions , for all their advantages they must be effectively controlled .
18 What the complaints will be about are the size of the bills , for throughout most of the South they will be even higher than the hated poll tax .
19 Roads Minister Kenneth Carlisle said : ‘ If candidates had a more thorough knowledge of the Highway Code and other safety matters they would be more prepared when they take to the roads by themselves . ’
20 Thus in a rapidly growing population there will be relatively few older people , as in many contemporary Third World countries ; while in a stagnant population they will be relatively more numerous , and more of them will lack the support of children .
21 ‘ The gang should also stop and think about the danger they could be in .
22 They either slept in a car or on the ground with a blanket , though in two days they would be far enough south for the nights to be warm .
23 In a few days they 'll be back here begging us for food . ’
24 Very congested skin can not absorb essential oils efficiently anyway , but when used in the bath and in general body massage they will be more easily absorbed through the softer skin of the abdomen , insides of the thighs and upper arms .
25 Because teachers are , on the whole , expected to have quiet , orderly classrooms they will be most likely to regard mathematics as relevant if it leads to good behaviour .
26 I thought prisons would be immaculate , and that in the hospital wing they 'd be particularly fussy .
27 ‘ If we did n't shoot them , ’ he says , ‘ then within two or three years they would be so out of hand that we 'd have to give up sheep farming . ’
28 If your senior executives have the information to help them answer the following questions they will be well equipped to make the right decisions .
29 Since the relevant ones will be concentrated in one area of the inverted tree they can be quickly located by moving from the root downwards and along the correct branches , without ever having to search the whole database .
30 Under normal conditions they will be quite happy with this feeding regime .
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