Example sentences of "[noun] from [num] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Hence , Marshall pointed out that one could simply use years from 1 upwards in the ascending part of the life-cycle as an index of a falling growth rate .
2 ( It is said that when playing his ‘ interview ’ round of golf he did each of the holes from 13–18 inclusive in three ) .
3 A little while ago , its Controller , Michael Green , moved Woman 's Hour from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 10.30 in the morning .
4 Thus our falling plasma adrenalin and body temperature in the evening prepare us for sleep by toning us down , just as rising values from 5 o'clock in the morning onwards prepare us for the rigours of a new day .
5 She heard a madwoman howling — herself — but on market day , in St Jude 's , with the taverns serving gin and strong beer from five o'clock in the morning , who was likely to be disturbed by a little howling ?
6 I think erm casualty was the worst in that you had very very long hours to do erm sometimes you were on call from five o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock the following morning , and you did that for a whole week so by the end of the time you really did feel inhuman , you were very very tired .
7 Then I mentioned that I had a Lawson Buford tuba solo from 1927 somewhere in my record collection and I was back in favour .
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