Example sentences of "[noun] from [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You can not issue a command from within a program that will remove it .
2 I hope that there will not be more than one bid from within a company and I believe that it is unlikely to happen .
3 Two years ago there was a similar , arguably worse , incident in Madrid when Real supporters threw sharp metal rods from behind a goal at the Bernabeu , narrowly missing Bayern Munich 's keeper , Jean-Marie Pfaff .
4 When he had gone some distance from the houses he met a mysterious little girl , who suddenly.appeared from behind a rock , and said , " Why are you weeping , my brother ? "
5 Since this sequence can not be represented in any other way ( see below ) , you can not cancel a suspended CLI command file from within a program .
6 Remember , you can not cancel a suspended CLi command file from within a program .
7 Users can start OS/2 and MS-DOS applications from within a Windows application .
8 Users can start OS/2 and MS-DOS applications from within a Windows application .
9 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
10 ‘ No , it took some hours before we dragged the body from beneath a mound of soggy corpses .
11 ‘ Slade Alive ’ , what a brilliant album ! ’ gleams Gordon as he digs in early-'70s ' vinyl from behind a mound of Elvis ashtrays .
12 ‘ Slade Alive ’ , what a brilliant album ! ’ gleams Gordon as he digs in early-'70s ' vinyl from behind a mound of Elvis ashtrays .
13 He , too , is a high-flying Socialist who declaims his no doubt sincerely-held beliefs from atop a mountain of privilege .
14 With this sensitivity it could easily detect a shrimp from over a metre away for these crustaceans generate tiny electrical fields of up to one thousandth of a volt ( 0.2–1 millivolt ) per centimetre each time they flick their tails .
15 As a result , you can not change HIMEM from within a procedure , function , subroutine , FOR …
16 Green leaves and curling tendrils were escaping under the edge of the dome like curly hair from beneath a helmet .
17 ‘ A number of these self-appointed moralists even choose to make such judgments from behind a cloud of cigarette smoke .
18 There was a long silence , during which the maid offered her a muffin from under a silver dish .
19 If we print all this area from within a rubberband box , as we have been doing , it means that four sections of the printout will make up the width of the design and the height will need the total height of squares used for the design , divided by 38 .
20 It is more a matter of approaching the book 's arguments from within a milieu of relatively academic contemporary art theory and being unable to see the wood for the trees .
21 Eventually I gave up hope of ever seeing my Mom again , and stealing a penny from beneath a milk bottle , bought a platform ticket and stowed away in the goods wagon of a train bound — I thought — for Sheffield and my beloved Grandfather .
22 The need for political choice from among a range of policy options is thus played down , in favour of a managerial and technical response to practical problems .
23 You know you 're in for a rough ride just by gawping at their photos for this package which show Knight hunched up against some slum wall and Blake glowering in true Exorcist 2 style from within a storm of locusts .
24 Visitors to the museum are allowed to watch the ‘ operation ’ on each bronze from behind a glass screen
25 ‘ Come in , ’ called a lady 's voice from behind a door .
26 I 'll be with you in a few minutes , ’ and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall , and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen .
27 There are 2 ways of sending data to the printer from within a program .
28 Frances Reay , spreadsheet product manager at Borland , claims : ‘ Quattro Pro lets you access database information from within a spreadsheet .
29 Subjects heard sentences from four different sets , in random order , and after a distractor task , were given a forced-choice recognition test in which they were given both sentences they had originally heard and new sentences which were constructed either by combining information from within a set , or combining information from different sets .
30 I gazed at the devastation from behind a stone horsetrough , lying flat on my face as another explosion sent lumps of metal and cobblestones clattering on to the roofs of the farm buildings .
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