Example sentences of "[noun] from [be] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 David and Catherine shared with us during the evening service on December 29th , and explained how God had led David from being a car mechanic into the mission field in Brazil .
2 Neither man , however , is commenting on the goings on which have turned Mr Lines from being the industry 's darling , he even had his 40-acre Teesport chemicals development blessed by Mrs Thatcher , into the pariah of the market .
3 But can he make a living from being a lookalike ?
4 For some time , Olschewski has also been trying to change the image of the German subsidiary from being a hardware manufacturer to a service provider .
5 As one writer has noted , ‘ There is a turning from being a star player to being a coach , from being the patronized to becoming a patron , from being totally preoccupied with oneself to being preoccupied with the generation which will take over ’ .
6 He revealed : ‘ I 've dreamt of this moment right from being a boy-racer at the age of nine .
7 This was critical , since it took the new tax from being a hybrid to being a loosely-disguised property tax .
8 The plan involved proposals to reduce excess capacity and to transform Rover from being a volume car producer to a specialist producer in an ‘ up-market move ’ with the aim of increasing profit per car sold ( see Figure 4.2 ) .
9 Both gave glamorised summaries of Nicola 's rise in the space of ten years from being a cub reporter on a local newspaper in Keighley to ‘ stardom ’ at TV London .
10 Ken , as that star , received star treatment from this reviewer of the revue — which incidentally got its title from being a company of eight performing at eight o'clock each evening .
11 Thereafter each student passes before the Chancellor , who says ‘ I admit you ’ and at that moment the student changes from being a graduand ( one who has satisfied all the requirements for a degree ) to a graduate ( one who has been admitted to the degree and is entitled to the privileges thereof including use of the designatory letters , e.g. BA , MSc or PhD ) .
12 This can be seen by considering the concept of ‘ prejudice ’ itself and its transformation from being a concept of Enlightenment philosophy to a concept , which permits , by its apparent criticism , the expression of prejudice in everyday discourse .
13 The press has shifted its emphasis from being a backlist publisher , selling books over five to ten years , to selling its frontlist within two years , reprinting when necessary , rather than having vast stocks gathering dust in a warehouse .
14 The fact that goods such as manuals and floppy disks may also be transferred does not prevent the contract from being a contract for the supply of services ( section 12(3) ) .
15 The change from being a child to an adult involves a great deal more than physical and biological change .
16 ‘ Another thing that we 've had a lot of use from was the baby bouncer ; it 's the type that hangs on the door frame .
17 This image-conscious city got some relief from being the place where Kennedy was killed as a result of ‘ Dallas ’ , a television series glorifying the pluck and greed of the oil patch .
18 But because he was guilty of an indictable offence , he was also disqualified by the Assistant Recorder from being a company director for two years under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 .
19 As it made the historic journey from being a charity team for Irish immigrants in Glasgow 's East End in 1888 to being a European Cup winning team in 1967 , there is a widely held myth that the club resents spending money and keeps its funds in the infamous biscuit tin , a closely guarded money chest under the Parkhead bed .
20 These are the sort of achievements and skills that you may have under your belt from being a member of such social groups :
21 Kano State Radio is the mouthpiece of the government of Governor Abubakar Rimi , which is a very different thing from being a PRP radio station ; indeed , the PRP , led by the late Aminu Kano , had the doubtful distinction of being without any mass media outlet at all during most of the period between the 1979 and 1983 elections .
22 It knows that the pageant derives its reality from being a circus and it demands that the circus fulfils rationalized functions .
23 Anticipation of the decision transformed the Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro stock markets from being the world 's worst performers in 1990 to currently the best .
24 We can derive a strength from being a family company that other businesses can not .
25 Under French rule broadcasting had no pretensions to autonomy and so made a fairly smooth transition from being an arm of French colonialism to being an arm of the new African governments .
26 If anyone had prevented Elinor from being an oil executive , or a leading novelist and short-story writer , it was Elinor 's mother , a small , heavily built woman with a squint , who lived very near the Sellafield atomic reactor. principally because Elinor 's mother was completely without talent for anything apart from giving men a hard time and had , presumably , passed on her genes to her daughter .
27 ‘ And you 're a long way from being a saint , are n't you ? ’ he drawled mischievously .
28 With figures like these the WEA , here as elsewhere , was a long way from being the body of ‘ middle-class ’ students pursuing ‘ soft options ’ which its critics liked to allege .
29 He was a long way from being an alcoholic , but he was vulnerable to heavy social drinking and was a sucker for the old Scottish adage ‘ One For The Road ’ .
30 Their Notice No 700 has the force of law when stating in para 56 and 69(a) that the words stop the document from being a VAT invoice .
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