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1 Hawkins from Bingley is the reigning British champion , livesey finished fifth at Knockdhu last year while Kinch was runner-up at the second race of the British championship in Wales two weeks ago .
2 The first great influence from Sweden was the Fandangos Kennel .
3 However , not everyone believes that eliminating middle management from organisations is the panacea for all corporate ills .
4 This retreat into the safety of headquarters with its separation from reality is the route for these ‘ bastards with no teeth ’ ; it is the rightful place for those ‘ nine-til-five administrators who turn up when real polises have been up and at it for hours , and then ask their daft questions because of their lack of practical experience ’ .
5 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
6 Perhaps the most dramatic fall from grace was the case of Hu Yaobang .
7 Last year a team from Hereford were the winners and the Castaways raft has been back on the Wye this week practising to make it a double .
8 Another borrowing from mainstream is the courtroom scene at the centre of the film , which is carried by a virtuoso cameo from Marlon Brando as a wheezy , old and vastly corpulent liberal lawyer .
9 These two styles of easy care trousers from calange are the epitome of simplicity and lightness , just what 's needed when climbing or walking in hot climates .
10 Another difference from Marxism is the stress Durkheim places on the existence of consensus and the need for order in society ( and for change to be of a peaceful and evolutionary nature ) , where Marxism stresses the centrality of class conflict and the necessity of revolution .
11 Immigrants from Korea were the other large minority .
12 Fifty year old Alexander Blackwood from Edinburgh was the company secretary at Omni International Management Limited which went into liquidation earlier this month .
13 The latest luxury product from Swish is the Powerglyde — an electric motor that can be quickly and easily installed on most corded curtain tracks .
14 The Barton Farm Orpheus , because of its association with the sealed coin of Allectus ( Powell 1919 , 71 ; T.B.G.A.S. LXX ( 1951 ) , 51-4 ) was the pivot of the sequence ; while the great pavement from Woodchester was the latest and finest mosaic of the group .
15 And this fossil tree from China is the last of family which predates the dinosaurs .
16 The 17-year-old from Beckenham is the leading qualifier in the distance freestyle , and has a comfortable 17-point lead over Joanne Cowan , from Portsmouth , to carry over into the Superfinal .
17 But what is most to be welcomed about the current spate of rhetorical outrage from politicians is the emerging consensus between Labour and the Tories on a new approach — an attempt to fill the moral vacuum , to look at society as a whole for the flaws .
18 Another plant to reach Chelsea from Stanwick was the North American Ascyrum crux-andrae , St Andrews Cross — a plant of little beauty , Miller said , and seldom cultivated , but one grown in botanical gardens for the sake of variety .
19 The first Visitation under the new Headmaster took place between 19th and 21st June , 1848 ; present from Stockport were the Rev. C. K. Prescot and the Rev. J. Taylor , the Mayor , Mr. Newton , Mr. Sykes , and Mr. Marsland. 105 boys were enrolled in six classes , the numbers in each being 8 , 15,28 , 20 , 15 , and 19 .
20 Just 10 minutes from Bodrum is the small resort of Bitez , a multi-activity centre offering Dinghy sailing ( p22 ) and Windsurf holidays ( p34 ) , as well as accommodation for non-sailors .
21 They spotted the danger of Potter 's inside solo break too late , and Nottingham 's pushover three minutes from time was the final insult .
22 Richard Mainwaring from Gloucestershire is the british barefoot water ski-ing champion for the ninth time … that 's a world record … he took the title in the Cotswold Water Park yesterday and set a new British record at the same time …
23 Richard Mainwaring from Gloucestershire is the british barefoot water ski-ing champion for the ninth time … that 's a world record … he took the title in the Cotswold Water Park yesterday and set a new British record at the same time …
24 So the flight from consciousness is the flight from any grasp on the intrinsic nature of any properties — not merely , as with Russell , of properties in the external world , but also of the features in our experience .
25 Finally this month from Guildsoft is the plainly titled ‘ Adventure Series , ’ a range of multimedia adventure games developed by Knowledge Adventure Inc .
26 In Kufra district many of the foreigners were black , and Tibbu-speakers from Chad were the majority , a presence which alarmists saw as overwhelming because they counted as resident those who paused for a week or a month on their way north or south .
27 Derek Green from Wantage was the third runner to finish …
28 Other people who need to be notified of the patient 's discharge from hospital are the patient 's General Practitioner and any specialist nurse who is involved in his care .
29 The road from Salen is the tenuous lifeline of Ardnamurchan , the vital link with the world outside its boundaries .
30 Steve Thompson from Gloucester is the new world karate champion … in the finals in Italy he won his class … he won the champion of champions fight and then went on to help Britain win the team title …
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