Example sentences of "[noun] but he [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jean-Claude may have had artistic integrity on his side but he did not have a legal leg to stand on .
2 She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders .
3 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
4 He wondered why Lessingham had described Gledhill 's death as murder but he did n't question his companion further .
5 He knew that he could have carried the coffee into the comparative serenity of his study but he had n't the courage to get to his feet .
6 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
7 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
8 His face was pale with fear but he nodded willingly .
9 He was able to live quite comfortably from the fruits of his labours but he had always wanted just a little more land .
10 ‘ I do n't know what they gave Rocky but he came round within 24 hours and seems back to normal now , ’ said Mr Taylor .
11 Well I 'm surprised that erm actually going into the police force but he did n't hear when he
12 Mr Airlie conceded that there might be some residual animosity towards the electricians but he did not envisage any problems in taking the union into the TUC .
13 After recording a verdict of accidental death coroner Nicholas Gardiner said it was known that the seats should have been rear facing but he did n't think this would have affected the outcome .
14 Of Korean communists associated with Russia , the best known was Kim Il Sung but he had also been involved with the CCP .
15 Gregory should have added a second but he headed tamely over after Gary Thompson had stormed down the right .
16 Zoophilus had not been able to acquire a copy of Vial 's plan but he put forward a plan of his own for an animal hospital , for a regular set of teachers forming a school , and provision for receiving living subjects in various states of disease .
17 Obstructive symptoms then resulted in a further small bowel resection but he did not achieve remission despite prednisolone .
18 Now and again he would reach a hand over to the boy but he slept deeply through the night .
19 He would have liked to telephone Marshal Guarnaccia who had gone back down to Florence but he did n't want to block the line , and in any case the Marshal had said something about going to the prison .
20 Yoshida wished to see Japan restored to true independence but he did not wish to see Japanese armed forces re-created .
21 Clint may have felt some pity but he did n't want her back .
22 The transfer to Florence Colliery was very close to Hem Heath and equally accessible to Mr Jones 's home but he did not accept this transfer , left and claimed redundancy .
23 ‘ Yes , of course we know about Shergold 's affair with the girl but he did n't kill her . ’
24 For all his undoubted talent Grayson may not have been a budding Ian Rush but he turned out for one of the country 's most famous clubs , perhaps not the best but certainly one of the best known — Accrington Stanley .
25 Donald was in full cry but he came up against a rejuvenated Kapil Dev .
26 She tried to examine Jack 's cheek but he moved away .
27 I said ‘ good night ’ and kissed him on his cheek but he did n't respond .
28 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
29 Yes , yeah he was trying to put across a serious point but he did n't really succeed cos everybody just takes the piss out of his voice .
30 Station cafés like the one at Temple Meads — I saw the freckly man with the ginger hair , stared him straight in the eye but he did n't recognize me — you ca n't sleep there at night , Vern said , but you can buy a coffee during the day and sit there nodding off and they think you 're just tired from travelling .
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