Example sentences of "[noun] but i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We were to do it from Friday to Friday but I turned on the tapes on , when was it
2 Yevgeniev , the King of the Boards , was leading into the home straight but I surged past him to take the gold medal .
3 The atmosphere was thick with tension but I looked at Mick and he glared back ; here was a guy ready to go for it and nobody was going to stop him .
4 MacPhail said : ‘ I twisted my knee early in the second half but I stayed on the field .
5 no it 's not addressing the issue but I said in the longer term that could be one of the options
6 So we 've been down there a few times but I said to you did n't I ?
7 Now of course that 's er er the story but I went to them afterwards you see .
8 Battery life is stated is stated to be around 9 hours but I found to be less than this .
9 Well you took all this sort of things in your stride but the next day we heard about these houses being knocked down , you see , and I think that 's the nearest I 've been to be killed but one day , one Saturday and that was in a daylight raid , one Saturday afternoon because , you see , I was off every afternoon but I worked till ten every night , you see , and er so erm but of course Hugh worked during the day and he was off in the evening , that 's why he used to come down to see , to see us and er he used to come in er you see and leave his lodgings and , oh be about nine o'clock and he spent the last day up there perhaps with his friends , have a chat , and er , you see , and but er and I was walking along it was called and suddenly a plane came over and I thought oh I expect it 's one of ours .
10 I 'm Mrs and er the point I wan na make is that I understood when Jimmy Jones came here had two lovely full houses but I heard through the building through the grapevine that the members of the trust or council objected to him because he was racist his jokes and sexist .
11 I started back to the field but I fetched on round and went home instead . ’
12 I did n't know the person but I knew of her and I knew a friend of mine went to her , this is the one that did seven years .
13 They were chattering like a lot of parrots but I listened to what was said .
14 They gave me 26 quid this week but I rummaged through the shed and found a couple of things to stick in as prizes .
15 ‘ I started bowling a bit of medium pace but I stuck with the leg spin as well and I 'm glad I did . ’
16 The snow was banked in humps at the roadside but I pulled in as much as I could to let him pass .
17 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
18 They did exchange it in the end but I had to be very insistent and it took three months .
19 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
20 That was my job so therefore my hands had to be constantly clean and that 's not easy for a seventeen year old to keep his hands clean all the time but I had to .
21 I did n't advertise for a partner but I went to the single 's and divorcee club and met my second husband and its magic the second time around .
22 I set the table but I forgot about the water .
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