Example sentences of "[noun] out [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh aye , I would say she was popular : anybody they can get a laugh out of is popular with thick headed rookies …
2 Gordon Beamish was a man who made a fetish out of being lynx-eyed .
3 But Mr Ishihara has made a career out of being shocking , and he has a good motive .
4 It offended the religious , because it seemed to make God out to be untruthful or deceitful ; in the scientific age , science was after all a route to truth , and only the Devil was the father of lies .
5 We might argue that while we can hold her responsible , the consequences of so doing turn out to be unacceptable .
6 Well you got quite a lot out of being able to evaluate .
7 but that 's only putting his hand out without being brutal about it , that 's not as dangerous as being coming out entirely from behind the shield .
8 The way we decide which to condemn and which to pursue turns out to be complicated and illogical : a synthesis of the times we live in , the place and what the newspapers tell us .
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