Example sentences of "[noun] who have [be] on " in BNC.

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1 It is sad when sisters and brothers who have been on good terms quarrel about who gets what , whether the reasons for wanting a particular item are commercial or sentimental .
2 Recently , however , two small-scale studies have been completed which take on board the perceptions and experiences of parents who have been on the receiving end of child protection interventions .
3 ‘ Mostly , we find that Packman is being bought by larger , more safety-conscious farmers , especially where there is pressure from operators who have been on COSHH and FEPA courses . ’
4 We there 's Don and myself two individuals who have been on the course for incident training with Fire Brigade .
5 Pray for the young people from QP who have been on mission or camp this summer .
6 It is now recognized that people who have been on weight-reducing diets subsequently have a lower calorie requirement than they previously had .
7 That would allow a tremendous movement of people from under-utilised accommodation to smaller accommodation and would allow many people who have been on the waiting list for council houses for many years to be moved into smaller accommodation .
8 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
9 Members who have been on the Public Accounts Committee , as I have , will know all about virement , which is not a recondite issue but a practical one .
10 Glaxo Group Research has a range of policies to provide support to , and facilitate the easier return to work of , women who have been on maternity leave .
11 Women who have been on the Pill may have nutritional deficiencies ( see p 260 ) and you may wish to take a nutritional supplement of the kind described on p 330 .
12 Like Brillat-Savarin 's famous fondue and the fonduta of Piedmont , the fondue of Franche-Comté is really a cream of eggs and cheese ( not , be it noted , scrambled eggs and cheese ) and has been rejected , I fancy , as being unauthentic either because it is more difficult to cook correctly than the Swiss version or because it is the cheese purveyors rather than the egg-marketeers who have been on the job .
13 There are now almost 50,000 people in the region who have been on the dole for more than a year .
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