Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , Groove Tubes ' primary motivation is serving the music community by offering a product for the artist and musician who can hear the difference between guitars , amps , pickups and tubes .
2 ‘ A lead of 2-1 guarantees nothing , except the fact that we need to be on our toes against a side who will relish the big occasion . ’
3 Much of this land is open to walkers who can use the numerous footpaths and bridleways .
4 This was to ensure that he or she would not be pressurized to publish things against their judgement or be got rid of in favour of an outsider who would change the paper 's political line .
5 During World War II , it was the rough-and-ready American GI who could fix the stalled jeep in Normandy while the French regiment only looked on .
6 The urban guilds and merchants steadily advanced in wealth and power , and began to spawn a top bourgeoisie of financiers and international traders who could help the landowners to invest their surplus capital profitably .
7 Mr Hutton said : ‘ One of the things they often slip up on is having an assistant in the car who should operate the brakes and steering so that the mechanic underneath can check everything is working properly .
8 We have the goal of becoming Spirit filled believers who can meet the needs of others in society .
9 The captain will then inform the umpires who would make the decision whether the game should be suspended or whether the players should leave the field .
10 ‘ That you ’ Is normally proved by the officer who saw the defendant driving etc. , or another witness who can swear the defendant was driving etc. or by the defendant 's admission .
11 In the boroughs it is normally the Social Services , or the Environmental Health Department who would handle the arrangements .
12 My parents loved me without conditions , so they and all the stories told me ; I seek a lover who will do the same .
13 At the beginning of the war , Inspector Hunt was sent to Folkestone to vet potential spies who might enter the country across the English Channel , from neutral Belgium and Holland .
14 ‘ Leonard was at Everton as a youngster and is the kind of forward who can hold the ball up .
15 These clinics provide several benefits to clients who can leave the house .
16 Given that the people had put him there , the Emperor envisaged it as his duty to be seen as the people 's servant — not just in the matter of governing but in his behaviour as a Sovereign who must associate the people with all aspects of his life .
17 I can not explain this sentiment unless it was that I observed that the members of the household appeared not to have perfectly learned their parts and also that having seen and known the Emperor for so many years in such a totally different position , his present one looked like a dream or a play ; but when each actor becomes acclimatized by time it will be a magnificent Court , with a Sovereign who will command the attention of all Europe .
18 Well , as I say , er the this part of the meeting is now formally ended , and I 'm going to hand over to er Kay who will Chair the next session , er er which involves of course , as you 've seen , presentations by the N C V O senior staff .
19 Mayor who can stand the heat
20 ‘ Ta , love , ’ said the messenger , taking them from her as if they were any old signal , carrying them to the coders who would make the groups of figures into words .
21 There was Mr and then a bit further up on the right hand side was a fella who used to have the contract for making the bread for the
22 He said : ‘ The matter has been referred to my insurers who will contact the company 's previous insurers . ’
23 Conversely , the octogenarians of today , whose prime earning period coincided with the Depression , may be financing through indirect taxes the education of the eight-year-olds who will enjoy the fruits of the twenty-first century !
24 Most often , it takes the form of a white colt who will nip the heels of would-be thieves , and chase them from the trees .
25 Is it too much to ask that our current politicians , Tory or Labour , who have abetted our national decline and now seek to end our independence , soon might have to face new and eloquent voices who will fill the patriotic void in our political spectrum , and reflect the views of the British people more accurately ?
26 The very real tragedy was in the fate of one man and what was needed was an Everyman figure who could carry the story by being charming , innocent , ordinary , and haunted and that is what the skills of Muni could give them .
27 The change in attitude was perhaps most clearly evident in Studies of Boy Life in Our Cities , where Urwick and his collaborators saw the boy neither ‘ as an amusing playmate nor as a vagrant from the ecclesiastical fold , but as the product of a still imperfect educational system and the embryo of the citizen who would decide the destiny of a still inchoate democracy ’ .
28 It is the nursing staff more than any other category of employee who will bear the burden of the consequences of fire .
29 The same point is emphasised by Tippett : ‘ Church growth theory believes that the Lord wants converts who can live the Christian life within their own social structures — be they industrial , nomadic , or subsistent .
30 Thank you Chairman , erm , I 'm not sure Chair , whether there are members still on this Committee who will recall the er , previous erm , proposal for a multi-purpose day centre in Bridgenorth .
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