Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb base] come to " in BNC.

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1 First-class writers can defy this rule-of-thumb , but anyone else doing so risks alienating readers who have come to them for a particular sort of entertainment .
2 On New Year 's Eve people in long evening dresses or in dinner jackets mingle in the streets of Funchal side by side with ‘ mountain men ’ in their woollen hats who have come to Funchal with their wives and children in the family 's lorry — which is often decorated with Christmas tree , paperchains and balloons .
3 One of my activities outside HTV , approved of by the company , is that I act as a consultant to a communication company and help to train industrialists , business executives and trade union officials who want to come to terms with the necessary techniques of appearing on television .
4 ‘ Apart from a fractured leg I 've been very lucky with injuries and have got on well with the managers who have come to the club .
5 The community we serve is largely made up of families who have come to England from a rural district of Bangladesh called Sylhet .
6 Special BAYS membership offer — a special combined fee of £4.50 is available for young people who wish to come to BAYSDAY and join BAYS for the first time
7 He wanted very much to walk out onto a pier — those constructions built so that people who have come to the sea to get away from their place of work can , for a moment , almost leave their working life behind , can go to the very edge of their week 's holiday and then dream of going further .
8 It is more helpful to meet real people who have come to terms with their lives , than to wander around lost and alone in a maze of fantasies .
9 We see this underfunding of eventide care as limiting the choice available to people who have come to that point in their lives when they 're making decisions about the sort of care that they will next require .
10 Other well known names who have come to us for instruction are British Telecom , Hewlett Packard , Lucas Aerospace and John Lewis at Milton Keynes .
11 But half the ex-Yugoslavs who have come to Western Europe since the start of the Balkan fighting have not applied for asylum .
12 But in reporting this highly selective history of Scotland 's footballing campaigns Hampden Babylon remains loyal to the great myths of the game , and to the undoubted disgust of the Scottish Football Association , places its faith in the anti-authoritarian players who have come to Scotland 's rescue in the past and brightened our mediocrity with a touch of madness .
13 Caribbeans who have come to Britain from abroad have probably always brought with them their own distinctively Caribbean varieties of language ; yet it is only in the last two or three decades that educators and policy makers — and to some extent , the general public — have taken an interest in " Black English " ( also called Creole or Patois ) in Britain .
14 Numberless are the ministers who have come to grief at the height of their peroration as a child has let out a deep sigh , articulating the inner feelings of some and distracting into amusement the rest of the congregation who were listening .
15 Dependence , together with its reciprocal nurturance , is an important structural and emotional dimension in nearly all social relationships , both between human beings and between humans and the ‘ spirit ’ helpers who have come to them in dreams to seek affiliation with the human world .
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