Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb past] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the commissioners of supply , there were many gentlemen who accepted that appointment not out of any great and compelling interest in aiding the collection of the land tax but in recognition of their social rank in their county .
2 It was the Indians who showed that man is capable of separating the two worlds and living in both of them , not at the same time but alternately .
3 The girl who lost that race at Ascot was riding him .
4 It was Simon who gave that impression behind my back .
5 The GP who made that referral should understand the options available and the implications of his referral .
6 All those across the shifts who worked that face were members of the marra group .
7 A SENIOR Anglican clergyman who declared that sex outside marriage should not necessarily be considered a sin has come under fire .
8 It does raise a very important matter because in the B C C I inquiry , it was quite obvious er that parts of Price Waterhouse were n't fully aware of what other parts of Pri Price Waterhouse were doing and indeed worse than that and in fairness to Price Waterhouse , some of the regulators in different parts of the world did n't know what each other w w were doing and the only people that did know what was happening were the principals behind B C C I who exploited that situation .
9 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
10 He 'd got up , and he was looking at me as if to say Coming ? supposing he was the kind of normal person who said that kind of thing .
11 ‘ You can take me to a hotel , somewhere I can stay for a couple of nights until the police can find the very sick person who sent that letter to me . ’
12 Until you find the person who sent that letter , I 'm never going to be completely safe . ’
13 One possibility is that he took the view in this case that the trust inhered in specific property , and that it was payable by the person who had that property , so far as the other conditions for a valid trust were also met .
14 Finally , what , in retrospect , did the person who lived that life consider had happened during its course ?
15 Madame Delon mentioned that the person who painted that view of the Porte des Cévennes , the one hanging in your salon , is a friend of yours ? ’
16 The bat should be thought of as analogous to the police radar trapping instrument , not to the person who designed that instrument .
17 Now I 'm suggesting that an evaluator might , instead of just concentrating on one set of values , deliberately try and look at several , so they might , for example , identify that there were a group of people who felt that history should be taught in a certain particular way for a certain purpose .
18 You are not the same people who left that station
19 But it was Bob Calder who assumed that role .
20 Dad Tam : " You promise me you will never tell anybody " til " am deed that I stood for the man who made that statue . "
21 The man who played that part was Norman Lumsden , and I bumped into him when he was in Belfast last Friday to present the awards at an Action MS reception , sponsored by British Telecom .
22 By the time of Pompey , the distinction between the powers granted to an office and the authority of the man who held that office had begun to blur .
23 With special attention to the man who created that colossus — Franklin D. Hauser . ’
24 It was particularly offensive to hear the Secretary of State talking about price increases in the gas industry before privatisation , as though he were not a member of a party and Government who decreed that gas prices had to rise arbitrarily , unilaterally and unnecessarily by 10 per cent .
25 The drug cartels , in a letter to congressional president Luis Guillermo Giraldo Hurtado on Oct. 23 , 1989 , under their pseudonym the " Extraditables " , displayed previous knowledge of the Supreme Court 's ruling and asked for its recognition as part of a peace plan rejected by the government who reaffirmed that emergency extraditions would continue .
26 All too often Labour councillors dream of monuments to municipal munificence — which , incidentally , bear the name of the councillor who had that dream .
27 Well twenty years ago I was on programmes like this , saying that doctors who said that Valium and the other tranquillizers were perfectly safe were talking rubbish and that there was every possibility that there would be problems found in the future , if we kept prescribing these drugs for vast numbers of people .
28 All the members and friends who kept that stall so amazingly and delectably stocked each day have our admiration and gratitude .
29 It is interesting that the Bank of Ireland spokesman who gave that figure should have been specific , as members will be aware that many figures have been rumoured over the past couple of months .
30 In Zambia aircraft accident investigation was the responsibility of the Director of Civil Aviation and the official who occupied that position had been appointed only the day before the accident occurred .
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