Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb past] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 He duly appeared before three or four venerable gentlemen who lectured him on how to behave in the Far East .
2 I met this Frenchman at Masstricht who kissed me on both cheeks .
3 And he smiles as he talks of the best friend and rival who accompanied him on those weekend trips .
4 Hugh Cudlipp , the newspaper baron who launched her on her career , advised her never to say how old she was .
5 Uncle sent me to St Bartholomew 's and Agrippa brought an old lady who fed me on a concoction of crushed moss mixed with the leavings of sour milk .
6 This action by the creditor set in motion the issuing , by the clerk , of a writ or summons which was formally delivered to an officer of the Chief Bailiff who served it on the defendant at his house .
7 Then , with a girl who loved him on the seat of his bike , he came to a bridge he was never to cross .
8 The script was handed to him by Casper Wrede , a director friend from the Royal Exchange who directed him on screen in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich .
9 The ones who served on the Organising Committee and the embryo Central Authority , and the remainder who joined them on appointment later in 1947 , were quite clear that they would not give up their statutorily entrenched independence to Citrine and Self .
10 Other interviewers who met her on set have tried to solve the riddle of her success .
11 I earned a few sous so I became more fantastical , maintaining I had met Brahmins who killed themselves on funeral pyres ; men with monkeys ’ heads and leopards ' bodies ; giants with only one eye and one foot who could run so fast they could only be caught if they fell asleep in the lap of a virgin .
12 Since the Earl of Holland was ‘ a man of greater dignity than knowledge in the Lawes of the Forest , he was assisted at various times by judges of the common law courts who advised him on points of law .
13 In a period of ten months in 1764 – 5 the Exeter Mercury reported the case of a man , wife , son and daughter-in-law jointly indicted for the murder of a girl apprentice by " beating and barbarously using her " ; the ill-treatment of a thirteen-year-old girl by a master and mistress who branded her on her buttocks , chained her for six hours to an apple tree and then beat her severely before making her work ; and a third case , which shows up the vulnerability to sexual abuse of children bound out by the parish , in which a man was sentenced for castrating two eight-year-old boys .
14 In Germany the privilege of driving it was handed to Mario Andretti who crashed it on the first lap .
15 Knights as well as nobles took prisoners at Poitiers , and the Black Prince granted lands , offices and annuities to many yeomen and bachelors who served him on his campaigns in Gascony between 1355 and 1357 .
16 Through George Wigg I became reasonably close to Richard Crossman who consulted me on a number of occasions — I have already described the Spectator libel case — but who , I must confess , turned out to be a disappointment to me , since the reputation he had earned for more than occasional unreliability I found to be entirely justified .
17 Any persons who saw anyone on that train looking agitated or with traces of blood , we 'd like to hear from them .
18 ‘ It 's just that the only person who saw her on Saturday was the Minister — Mr Hawick . ’
19 Aggie was a spotlessly clean woman who prided herself on her housekeeping .
20 Elise Fox was a woman who prided herself on her ability to deal with crisis , but at eleven o'clock that Saturday night she still lay limp on the sofa in the flat , looking utterly shattered when her young sister came in from the kitchen with yet another pot of strong black coffee .
21 ‘ When he talks to you he makes you feel as if you are the only person in the entire world , ’ said one woman who met him on the campaign trail .
22 ‘ Mr Fernie , Detective-Constable Edwards who interviewed you on the morning after Mrs Connon was killed , said in his very comprehensive report that you had noticed the police arrive the previous night .
23 Julia was touched by the number of people who congratulated her on her recovery as she made her way with her cushion to her allotted seat at the end of the press benches , and gave several brief accounts of her illness to people who asked .
24 That 's illustrated by the fact that four people who kept them on did not get caught
25 He says the letter bombs could have injured any of the people who handled them on their way to their targets .
26 Brackley itself produced rather few people who impressed themselves on the historical record .
27 A TEENAGE horsewoman fought off a man who attacked her on Wimbledon Common yesterday almost a year after young mother Rachel Nickell was stabbed to death in the same area .
28 Joseph Robinson was aware of what was good for business but he was also a man who prided himself on his love of sport : this meant that he had a responsibility to knowledge and experience .
29 He was a man who prided himself on having everything at his fingertips , but he had not counted on Berdichev 's directness .
30 His luck — and he would have a lot of luck ( which he acknowledged generously and constantly ) — was to meet here the first of many teachers who set him on his way .
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