Example sentences of "[noun] who [adv] want to " in BNC.

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1 Because on this occasion the fame seemed such a foregone conclusion , there was less talk than usual about its progress , which was a disappointment to those on our side who desperately wanted to be able to display modesty about their achievements .
2 But most poignant of all was the deserted Ministry of Culture , Slovak Republic stand staffed by a collective of solemnly seated , moustached , chain-smoking , dark suited gentlemen who clearly wanted to be somewhere else .
3 Meryl Streep is wonderfully comic as an actress who really wants to be a singer , while Shirley Maclaine shows her versatility and talent as she defiantly crashes through ‘ I 'm Still Here ’ .
4 Such clues would add to the embarrassing riches of intelligence which had recently flooded in to Napoleon 's headquarters from Belgians who desperately wanted to be part of France again .
5 And time out : Another blow for the girl who just wants to be one of the boys .
6 Young chicks who genuinely want to be part of , and help develop , the scene will swallow his rubbish ( coming from the leading headpaper ) and will soon be mentally and physically ruined and incapable of normal deep feelings . ’
7 THEY say every picture tells a story … and these pictures show a woman who just wants to be alone .
8 I 've another mate who always wanted to be an actor .
9 Charlesworth and Nathan ( 1982 ) tell a very poignant story about a young man who always wanted to be a lumberjack .
10 We 'd end up with 350 MPs who all wanted to be prime minister .
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