Example sentences of "[noun] who [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Because on this occasion the fame seemed such a foregone conclusion , there was less talk than usual about its progress , which was a disappointment to those on our side who desperately wanted to be able to display modesty about their achievements .
2 The bearded head gardener who is always tending the apple tree ; the wise old sea-captain who never rushes to judgment ; the character you 're not quite introduced to , but who is giving you a creepy feeling by Chapter Four … pack them off into storage , all of them .
3 It was by chance and with the support of a visiting teacher of drawing who also happened to be a lecturer at Goldsmiths College that I succeeded in getting a place at art school , the first and last totally blind student to have ever done so in Britain .
4 The China Inland Mission 's early years inland were hazardous with riots , some internal dissension , and opposition from established missionaries who especially objected to the use of Chinese dress .
5 But most poignant of all was the deserted Ministry of Culture , Slovak Republic stand staffed by a collective of solemnly seated , moustached , chain-smoking , dark suited gentlemen who clearly wanted to be somewhere else .
6 Meryl Streep is wonderfully comic as an actress who really wants to be a singer , while Shirley Maclaine shows her versatility and talent as she defiantly crashes through ‘ I 'm Still Here ’ .
7 Walesa argued , however , that such a system would politicize the union , and that it would undermine the rights of the thousands of non-government supporters who currently belonged to Solidarity .
8 Aside from Boyce and Lee , these include Edward Howard , a CIA employee who finally defected to Moscow taking with him a hoard of secret information about his work ; the Walker trio who for 17 years handed over details of US Navy cryptograhic equipment to the Russians in exchange for $750,000 ; Bruce Ott , a USAF airman who tried to sell the Russians a copy of the SR-71 spy plane operating manual ; Robert Miller , an FBI agent who passed on secret documents to the Russians ; Ronald Pelton , a communications expert with the NSA who for five years gave the Russians details of his work ; Clyde Conrad , a retired US Army sergeant who for five years is alleged to have handed over top army contingency plans to the East ; and Jonathan Pollard , a US Navy counter-intelligence analyst who was paid $50,000 by Israeli intelligence for top naval information , a particularly embarrassing incident .
9 For a President who often refers to his holy status as an elder of the Church of Scotland , these are harsh words .
10 First , a set of orchestral works all conducted by George Prêtre who always seems to be at his best in Poulenc 's music .
11 Endless ads have been Green or organic , from the guy who rips his plans up to wreck the countryside and earns himself a beer , to the couple in the deodorant ad who just happen to be frolicking naked in the forest with camouflage make-up .
12 greater satisfaction and rewards for those working in the NHS who successfully respond to local needs and preferences .
13 During her three days working in the Toronto Skydome she made friends with an athlete who now writes to her in Chinese .
14 Erm so it 's in terms of erm er , careful logical field work erm there 's not a great deal of information , but there 's , th , there have been early anatomical historical er investigations and there is something a literature erm dating from early in the nineteenth century which and it shows you the bloke who also resolves to , to , to make comparisons with what she found .
15 Sonnabend Gallery , New York , has failed in its lawsuit against its former artist Peter Halley who recently defected to the Gagosian Gallery after six years , taking eleven works with him .
16 Individuals have been pictured rather like automatons who simply respond to the dictates of their culture .
17 Such clues would add to the embarrassing riches of intelligence which had recently flooded in to Napoleon 's headquarters from Belgians who desperately wanted to be part of France again .
18 And time out : Another blow for the girl who just wants to be one of the boys .
19 How many in the class have a parent who normally travels to work by car , bus or train to another town , or several kilometres across a city ?
20 Joan Halton is disturbed by an old guilt related to the underlying resentment and fury she felt in respect of her younger sister who always seemed to be allowed to come first .
21 This continuity existed among both employers and employees in many cases so that there are many farmers ' sons who also had to ‘ serve their time ’ alongside the hired labour force before taking over the farm and many elderly farm workers who can remember instructing their current employer in the ways of the farm when he was a small boy .
22 Also involved with the Hoptons was Philip Bothe of Coddenham ( Suff. ) a second generation emigrant from the north west who suddenly rose to local prominence after 1483 — which seems to imply an earlier connection with Richard .
23 Also involved with the Hoptons was Philip Bothe of Coddenham ( Suff. ) a second generation emigrant from the north west who suddenly rose to local prominence after 1483 — which seems to imply an earlier connection with Richard .
24 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
25 And er a very devout Christian who never went to er chapel like in her later years but she was , she was a good Christian lady .
26 Contrast this with the woodwind who often seem to be fighting gamely against insubordinate instruments and recalcitrant reeds , their difficulties surely exacerbated by lack of contact with the West , where orchestral wind playing has gone from strength to strength .
27 If this is how bands who openly admit to being influenced by The Clash sound today , poor old Strummer and Jones ca n't be getting much sleep at night .
28 If this is how bands who openly admit to being influenced by The Clash sound today , poor old Strummer and Jones ca n't be getting much sleep at night .
29 CORNERSHOP , the Leicester-based Asian buzz-pop polemicists who recently signed to Wiiija Records , play two London dates at .
30 A software engineer who freely admits to being plump and has tried every diet in the book claims to have invented a programme that 's guaranteed to keep those extra pounds off .
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