Example sentences of "[noun] as [conj] he be " in BNC.

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1 Beside him Vauban seemed to share the joke ; that extraordinary bastard leaned against the arm of the throne as if he was the king 's brother , openly stifling a yawn at Dacourt 's ponderous phrases .
2 When the castrato comes , I have to sing with him , for I have to teach him his whole part as if he were a child .
3 The dun cock went down as the blue followed through , landing full-flush and kneading the gaffs on the dun 's heart as if he were working a treadle .
4 He began to rub his jaw as if he was in pain ; his normally pale face had turned white .
5 Oliver tore the meat to pieces with his teeth as if he were a wild animal .
6 Roy was standing in the doorway , staring at the kitchen as if he was in the wrong house .
7 And he made a noise as if he were splitting wood , and I was astonished that he did not dislocate his shoulder , and the vigour of his arm terrified me …
8 ‘ He 's a rector , not a vicar and he is currently incumbent in — ’ I heard paper rustle as if he was turning pages ' — the parish of West Elsworth near Cambridge .
9 He seems most himself when snarling like a caged animal , droning and whining like a buzz saw , hacking at his guitar as if he is chopping wood .
10 ‘ If you 're looking to buy , I 've nothing to sell , ’ said Alan for openers as if he was at a jumble sale .
11 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
12 Charlie , who turned out to be a regular size , was dealt with fairly quickly , but it took almost an hour to find anything that did n't make Tommy look as if he was entering a sack race .
13 He has a sash across his shirt as if he is an ambassador at a diplomatic function .
14 ‘ I 'm going tonight , ’ he said , scuffing the paragraph in The Stage hard with his foot as if he were rubbing cigarette ash into the carpet .
15 He could and did talk at times as if he were simply continuing Schleiermacher 's programme , and described Schleiermacher as his predecessor in the matter of method .
16 ’ He put his head to one side as if he was thinking , closing one eye and giving his little grin .
17 The little boy leaned his face to one side as if he was listening to some signal inaudible to mere mortals , and he whispered , ‘ I am going to destroy Malik .
18 He seemed edgy and ill at ease and as they took the lift up to the fourth floor and stepped out into the corridor his eyes darted from side to side as if he was terrified at what he might be about to see .
19 The fellow treated Corbett as if he were a Prince of the Blood and took him swiftly into the hall , which an army of servants were now cleaning after the previous night 's banquet .
20 When he closed his eyes , fatigue swam up at him in a mazy spiral , making his head spin as if he were drunk .
21 He simply moved out from between the cars as if he was going to walk off and Maggie took two aggressive steps forward .
22 He handles it with the familiarity of a mother with her baby , yet he has a look in his eyes as if he was removing specks of vomit .
23 The young man belched and blinked his eyes as if he was on the point of falling asleep .
24 She felt the shrugging of his shoulders as if he were trying to forget for a little while the fear that never seemed quite to leave him .
25 They faced each other , Harry standing with his hands on his hips , Sir Gregory forcing back his shoulders as if he were on parade and trying to reassure himself of his own rank and standing .
26 His head had an odd tilt or cock to it , set on the shoulders as if he were looking up from the bars of a drop-handled bike .
27 The young clerk pouted his lips as if he was going to object .
28 She cocked her head slightly to one side , staring at Corbett , a slight smile on her lips as if he was telling her some merry jest or interesting tale .
29 Cranston pushed back the beaverskin hat on his head , scratched his balding pate and pursed his lips as if he was a veritable Alexander .
30 ‘ Forgot a lot o' things , did old Blackberry ! ’ observed Forest , addressing Richard as if he were of a sudden a force to be reckoned with .
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