Example sentences of "[noun] as [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The air-gargoyles gently sucked and puffed the aromatic smoke into strange curlicues as if sketching the features of potential daemons which might lurk outside the hull .
2 ‘ You startled me , Mr Laidlaw , ’ he said breathlessly in English and clamped his hand over his heart as if to emphasize the point .
3 Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow .
4 It bowed its ruined head to its chest as if to inspect the squealing assailant now hanging from its buckled shoulder with frantic claws .
5 His shoulders lifted towards his ears as if to help the grin along .
6 He twitched his shoulders as if shrugging the burden of Georgina on to the new arrival .
7 ‘ He would n't speak to you , Gilbert , ’ continued Rohmer , still staring at the shattered window as if willing the lightning to return .
8 He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet as if assessing the shine on his boots .
9 The two women remained motionless , gazing up at the ceiling as if to trace the source and direction of the footsteps .
10 Charsky leaned back against the pillows and raised his eyes to the ceiling as if thanking the Almighty .
11 She stood up , cheeks bulging , and started to tear off her clothes , walking in a ragged circle as if invoking the spirits of the place .
12 Rachel asks , touching my cheek as if to capture the thought .
13 He glanced down at my notes and touched his own chest , first on the left then on the right as if beginning the sign of the cross : ‘ Both . ’
14 ‘ Oak Lodge , ’ Wynne-Jones breathed , and repeated the name as if savouring the sound of a place he had once known well .
15 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
16 A few seconds elapsed , then Angie shook her head as if to emphasize the denial .
17 Standing behind him , Annie had shaken her head as if disbelieving the race Kelly had ridden after the excesses of the previous night .
18 Smacks her forehead as if remembering the obvious .
19 Alison Walker lay pale-faced and tearful , one hand instinctively resting over her swollen abdomen as if to protect the child within .
20 She seemed to have dropped her voice and moved in closer to the phone as if to avoid the chance of being overheard .
21 Through the silence rang a bell as if signalling the end of a round in a boxing match .
22 He reached up to his skull as if to seize the beads which had once adorned his scalp , though those had long since been shorn off along with his excess of black greasy hair ; as if to tug those and release an inner pressure .
23 ‘ Tell me about your acting career , ’ he invited with an abrupt change of topic as if to say the matter of the earrings was forgotten , though she knew it was n't .
24 She leant forward in her chair as if to make the facts clearer , cool and in control , as if reading from autoscript in the studio .
25 Somebody had planted a few saplings as if to justify the name , but they looked extremely sorry themselves , sadder even than the Fir Tree in Hans Christian Andersen 's story and about to meet a similar fate .
26 When Melissa reached home , Iris , in slacks and a baggy sweater , was leaning on her gate studying the sky as if assessing the prospects for tomorrow 's weather .
27 Morse stood where he was , listening , and staring up at the sky as if viewing the unsuspected behaviour of some distant galaxy .
28 Blaney did n't reply , but stared hard at Dalgliesh as if assessing the sincerity of that simple statement , and then said curtly , ‘ Thank you for helping the children , ’ and lifted his son from Dalgliesh 's shoulder .
29 Wolsey stroked his chin as if feeling the gentle stubble now growing there .
30 The chief groom stared back at him a moment , open-mouthed , then looked across at the T'ang as if to query the instruction .
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