Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Words can not express our gratitude .
2 Many times I see a nameless beauty and my soul is moved , but my words can not contort themselves into a likeness of this beauty .
3 Words can not describe my panic .
4 Well , they have a fight erm they very rarely attack us , but they very frequently fight amongst themselves , and it 's usually over something that 's happened previously , but a few stupid words can just spark something that could be ignored if everything else was all right , but it an insult on top of hundreds of insults will just tip them over .
5 Blacks need to realise that affirmative action can not solve their most serious problems , whites need to remember that affirmative action does not make it an advantage to be born black .
6 While negotiations continued in Geneva , the Tories went to the polls declaring that ‘ collective security by collective action can alone save us from a return to the old system which resulted in the Great War . ’
7 But we still have to train people to be able to cook under any conditions — a young soldier can often find himself on his own in the field cooking for a given number of people .
8 These peoples can not allow themselves much investment in fixed assets they would need to defend , but just as importantly they can not allow themselves much investment in social ties to specific others .
9 If you decide not to call the witness the other side can still call them , but you can then cross-examine on the basis of the original statement to destroy their credibility .
10 An Ellyrian mounted on a black horse can often find himself a prime target for Dark Elf attacks
11 If Labour can not stake its claim to be the future government , it may be by-passed by events and find itself back in the wilderness .
12 The Opposition can not have it both ways .
13 Keeping your eye on court lists can also tell you something about the firms appearing and if a firm consistently acts for the plaintiff against health authorities you can be fairly sure that their specialism lies in medical negligence .
14 Of those who do attend , many do not go until the age of eight or nine because the schools can not fit them in .
15 It 's the job of the reporter to interpret facts and schools can not expect them to be mere mouthpieces .
16 ‘ Under local management many schools can not afford their own security system , ’ he said .
17 The defendant can already count himself lucky to have received only a two-year sentence , having regard to the amount involved and to the position of trust which he held .
18 This is why target readers can often identify what appears to be a lexically and grammatically ‘ normal ’ text as a translation , or as ‘ foreign ’ .
19 ‘ In a controlled state like Pakistan , when people land from Dubai by a plane whose number is given and the names of persons given , it would be very difficult to say Pakistan can not find them , ’ India 's foreign minister , Dinesh Singh , said .
20 But , because the umbilical goes through the basket , the diver can always find his way back .
21 Therefore the very success of an agent can sometimes mean his downfall .
22 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
23 But this seems to be one of those cases where thinking can not make it so .
24 But do be aware that being a little easy-going in working out and rationing your calories can easily allow you to drift down the slippery slope towards being too easy-going to achieve weight loss .
25 When this happens the thin walls of the tubes are able to buckle , the helical fibrillae can then straighten themselves out and so the cell is enabled to elongate under the tensile load by something like 20 percent .
26 Well David can always bring it home if there 's , it does n't get used .
27 WACC 's Forum Programme can only monitor what is happening in information technology , relying usually on secondary sources .
28 Prodder-armed Night Goblins can also use their long prodder to attack from behind their Squigs in a similar way to troops armed with spears .
29 ‘ Luck ’ , then , is a continuous interplay of providence and free will , a blending of so many factors that the mind can not disentangle them , a word encapsulating ancient philosophical problems over which wars have been fought and men burnt alive .
30 Spectacular though this is , many smaller frogs can easily outdo it , if their jumps are judged in relation to their body size .
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