Example sentences of "[noun] can [verb] you [art] " in BNC.

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1 er better support and better advice for schools , but I agree entirely with what says , it 's no good having the best advice in the world if we ca n't deliver the er , er , the , the recommendations and one of the things that er has been borne in , on me , when I was sitting on the panel looking at special educational needs that the early identification of the early intervention when there are difficulties which start to arise in schools can save you a lot of money later on and unless the schools have the resources to er , er to meet with the er recommendations which are being made on particular children , then we are asking for trouble there , so that I 'm very concerned about the fact that er , the like , like the early one which was er increase that er provision .
2 There are four areas in particular where new research and established practice can give you a good framework and background knowledge for your care .
3 ‘ Mr Bodenland can tell you a story about little children and graves , ’ Shelley told her .
4 For that very special celebration holiday the Ascot can offer you a romantic honeymoon suite available at a supplement of £20 per person per night .
5 No mechanical indicator can tell you the right time to strike , at least in this situation , but your sense of touch can , once you have enough experience to know what you are feeling for .
6 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
7 This browsing can give you a broad view of the subject you are studying .
8 Why cutting the price can lose you the sale !
9 But a few lessons in long-term planning can save you a caning .
10 But if you have the space the centre can sell you the largest tree in the world .
11 A little forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense , and headaches later , especially if the fish you have bought outgrow their initial home .
12 Dickon can get you a spade , and some seeds to plant , if you like . ’
13 A progress background can teach you a lot about what really happens if you 're aiming to be an account executive .
14 You see , as a ‘ home-grown ’ fuel , British Coal can offer you a constant secure supply at competitive , predictable prices .
15 If you feel that you are lacking in energy , and are feeling tired and listless , it may be that you are suffering from anaemia , which can be remedied by iron tablets ( your doctor can give you a simple blood test to check for anaemia ) .
16 Both the local gas region and the electricity company can offer you a prepayment meter where it is safe and practical to put one in , although some local fuel boards have been reluctant to offer pre-payment meters to people who are not in debt .
17 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
18 Starting from July 8 , a repeat showing for the series of six half-hour programmes in which Geoff Hamilton shows how growing fruits and vegetables can give you an attractive as well as productive garden .
20 In classrooms a directional mike can give you a much better chance of recording only the sound you want instead of all the sound in the room .
21 For that very special celebration holiday , the Canal House can offer you a special ‘ honeymoon ’ room available at a supplement of £7 per person per night .
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