Example sentences of "[noun] will [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Beeson Gregory will in future guide smaller companies towards a full listing .
2 The strategy of the parties will in any event remain clear .
3 The old insulation will in any case have become compacted and inefficient , and may also have been saturated by condensation within the loft space , due to inadequate ventilation .
4 In the expectation that Denmark will in due course be able to join them , our partners propose to complete the ratification procedures .
5 Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power .
6 ‘ A file will in due course be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , ’ said a spokeswoman .
7 The term can be approximately twelve to thirteen weeks long , and advanced classes will in all probability do a production over that time which will be mounted and produced in the Institute 's own theatre .
8 Counsellors will by this stage start to form their own views about what they are hearing .
9 The building industry , given an open field , competing for purchasers and paying a competitive price for its materials , will automatically be stimulated to invest in developing these modern methods , knowing that the reward of successful enterprise will in due course be reaped .
10 Too many trade unionists will at some stage or other become patients of .
11 ( Certainly , Working for patients will in due course also require management accounting skills but these will be used to address different issues — such as how to ‘ price ’ contracts for clinical services — from those previously on the agenda . )
12 Secondly , because of defects inherent in the operation of markets , the strict maximisation of profits will in any case frequently fail to lead to the maximisation of aggregate wealth .
13 But Aoun seems sure that , if he just hangs on regardless , some other miracle will in due course come to the rescue .
14 And , as it is also obvious that this tendency is becoming a worldwide one , it means that the game will in due course suffer everywhere as it has suffered in South Africa .
15 Even if most people will at some time in their lives live in a family which does conform to the cereal-packet image , they will also necessarily spend much of their lives outside it .
16 They examined each other and drew the conclusions people will on first acquaintance .
17 In theory , if co is chosen in this way , the iterations will in due course yield ( 2 ) without further attention .
18 One assumption is that any intelligent species will in due course develop a technology , just as we have done .
19 If there is more than a certain amount , gravity will in due course draw the galaxies back together .
20 The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance .
21 If you have done any class work before attempting the drama school audition , most of the teachers will at some point in their sessions have talked about ‘ relaxation ’ .
22 This may again be necessary for work with learning resources , but librarians and experienced teachers will in any case want to stress the absolute necessity of previous detailed checking to see that the resources likely to be helpful and required are actually available .
23 Its rigorous application of the acquis communautaire and the finalité politique to new members will in all probability lead to a Europe too full of contradictions to survive as a unitary bloc .
24 There are conflicting perspectives on whether greater longevity will of itself give rise to increased disability , but without significant improvements in health , average levels of dependency and chronic illness will in future rise simply because growing proportions of the population will be extremely old .
25 It may be that the ban will in due course be struck down , or at least restricted in its scope by the European Court : a total prohibition on television and radio appearances by representatives of a lawful political organisation , for example where they are elected local councillors speaking about domestic issues , can hardly be justified on the grounds of national security or the prevention of public disorder .
26 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
27 The financial forecasts assume that the University will in due course succeed in recovering from the research councils the funds which it is expected will be lost from its HEFCE grant under the DR-shift .
28 No doubt matters of this kind will in any event be the subject of consideration during the current consultations with the Law Commission .
29 And they 're not of course because what happens is if you follow their advice and put ten pounds into Global Investment for example then Global Investments will at that stage will pay them .
30 If it becomes law , a bill now before Italy 's parliament will in any case forbid the Treasury from making the Bank of Italy print money for its debts .
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