Example sentences of "[noun] would have come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was not affected by the surrender of part of the premises , however large , although it would be terminated by a surrender of the whole , as then the term would have come to an end .
2 ‘ No harm would have come to her .
3 Undoubtedly , the bubbling oxygen would have come into contact with palladium .
4 It seems unlikely that Minkowski would have come across Smith 's earlier work directly , but he may have seen the reference to them in a paper of Ferdinand Frobenius , which appeared in the main German mathematical journal shortly before the competition was announced .
5 Normally Baccy would have come in closer but the wind was onshore and the storm could n't be more than an hour away .
6 You see , you said the girl would have to come from a family of rank .
7 Domestic consumption fell by 1 per dent ‘ whereas we thought it would be up by 1 per cent ’ said Dicks , and he reaffirmed his belief that ‘ recovery would have to come from domestic consumption ’ .
8 ‘ Well , if I came , Liddy would have to come with me . ’
9 Paul had reasons for the private emptying of his ; he was still treating himself with a solution of the doctor 's recommended potassium permanganate crystals , and had to make his exit quickly when Willie was out of the room , as that gregarious gentleman would have come with him on the same errand ; then hurry outside with the tell-tale purple contents , empty them , rinse the pot at the pump , and come back .
10 Had the referendum on devolution resulted in a sufficient majority voting in favour of devolution for Wales , then the Welsh Assembly would have come into being and would have assumed responsibility for the administration of all Welsh education outside the university .
11 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
12 If more would have gone back then the strike would have come to an end quicker cos , I thought more would have gone back then , but all the lads in they stayed out and nobody went in to work .
13 If the bridge ceased to be economical as a business the owners would have to come to an arrangement with the council
14 If people had imagined in 1933 that things would have come to such a pitch , they 'd never have voted for Hitler .
15 If neither of these provisions applies , the affidavit must be sworn by a person having direct personal knowledge of the means adopted for service , and must specify the steps which have been taken to serve the demand , the means whereby ( those steps having been ineffective ) it was sought to bring the demand to the debtor 's attention , and the date by which , to the best of the knowledge of the person making the affidavit , the demand would have come to the debtor 's attention .
16 One of the staff would have to come with you .
17 With pressure from the market , the consultants and the manufacturers all weakened , then , any change in BEA policy would have to come from a change of heart at central headquarters .
18 The answer is that the advice that should have been given in the circumstances that prevailed on that date was , that if the plaintiffs wished to ignore the contract then they were entitled to serve a completion notice which because the vendor was unable to obtain that would have meant that the vendor would be unable to comply with the completion notice and accordingly the contract would have come to an end .
19 The gang would have come in a high-powered motor launch , not in an ordinary punt , hired from the boat-yard half a mile upstream .
20 It was a narrow squeak for Errol , for had Newry lost to Queen 's a fortnight ago and ended up in a relegation decider against the students , the ban would have come into immediate effect .
21 When Hullmandel published his treatise The Art of Drawing on Stone in 1824 , the possibilities of lithography were better advertised ( although Hullmandel was careful not to describe the actual printing process , so that artists would have to come to him for that service ) , and Lear was one of the very first to be attracted to the technique .
22 Our spies tell us Hewlett-Packard and DEC would have come to the Unix International meeting if they were n't so afraid to being found out .
23 Our spies tell us HP and DEC would have come to the UI meeting if they were n't so afraid to being found out .
24 The money would have to come from another source .
25 A similar decision would have come from the White House by now were it not for the delay in finding a defence secretary .
26 ‘ Soldiers from Stirling would have come by Crieff and Amulree , or if it is the Perth lot , then by Dunkeld and the lower strath . ’
27 The approach would have to come from they rather than the other way around .
28 IF ONE had not been reading the newspapers , listening to the radio , watching television and , above all , paying attention to the opinion polls , the election results would have come as no surprise .
29 Leaving aside all questions of medical ethics , it seems to me inevitable that in such highly unlikely circumstances the matter would have to come before the court .
30 The present is such a case in which , if there had been no referral to a visitor , the matter would have come before the tribunals and courts on a clearly recognisable employment law question .
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