Example sentences of "[noun] there [be] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the plus side there 's Rod Stewart before he became a joke , The Nice inventing prog rock , Fleetwood Mac singing ‘ Someone 's Gon na Get Their Head Kicked in Tonight ’ ( who said the '60s was all peace and love ? ) and Murray Head 's lovely ‘ She Was Perfection ’ , as well as the obvious Faces , Amen Corner , Humble Pie and McCoys classics .
2 Also in Mansfield there 's improvement work still on Chesterfield Road South and Rosemary Street too .
3 For the first 40–80 seconds of these signals there were sinus tachycardia and artefact on the electrocardiograms or plethysmograph signals , suggesting large body movements .
4 As a result there are pilgrimage churches right across northern Spain and on the main routes traversing France , Germany and Italy .
5 She was still wearing her apron which , evidently , she had been using to wipe away her tears ; as a result there were grease marks all over her face , giving her the appearance of a participant in a minstrel show .
6 E. A little further down the Don valley at Rotherham there are blast furnaces , changing iron ore into pig iron , and also more steel mills .
7 If you need more details on these utilities there are document files on the Mega Disk ( all with DOC extensions ) .
8 Some little cars there was Range Rovers
9 It is the first indication there are teething troubles with SSDs ' new powers to inspect private schools under the Children Act .
10 For the Scots there were tour places to Australia up for grabs : for the Welsh there was the need to secure the appointment of Davies and Norster by winning .
11 In Waitrose there were Twix bars and Breakaways ; there were chocolate digestives and huge jumbo packets of crisps and giant , plastic bottles of Coca-Cola .
12 Sadly the Metroliner had lost confidence in being a train and wanted to be an airliner instead : the coaches were rounded like a fuselage there were airliner seats with fold-town tables from the seatback in front even a company magazine at each place .
13 Training , in Wembley , is on Tuesday evenings for enthusiasts in the London area , and through the winter there are weekend expeditions in the northern and western parts of Britain .
14 Throughout Northern Ireland there are energy projects which give practical help to keep your home warm .
15 Over lunch there 's safety cover only .
16 Just inside the vestibule there was coconut matting , and seeing this Mum looked about then began to wipe her feet .
17 In some areas there were stone buildings , and the houses were .
18 The composition of the rock varies , but around St Austell there is lithionite granite , which contains pale or white lithium mica and kaolin .
19 On most street corners there are cigarette machines ( the Germans do n't seem to be as health conscious as we are ) .
20 Mm that 's what I 've cos I 've not been very busy I 've been picking , you know like a few peanuts there 's chocolate peanuts , there 's
21 ‘ I have heard how in Spain there are beggar children so skilled with the garrotte they can kill a fully grown man in a matter of seconds .
22 Mycenaean Boiotia had indeed been open to the greater world , much more so than in classical times : in the Thebes Museum there are stirrup jars proving commerce with Minoan Krete , and there is even some lapis lazuli from Afghanistan , evidence of a Hittite connection .
23 Though in the early days there were capacity problems at Gloucester , by and large the new arrangements have worked well .
24 In places there are gravel deposits — ; small smoothly rounded pebbles and sand — usually on the insides of the meander curves where the water flows less swiftly .
25 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
26 To the right there were farm buildings which had been refurbished and through the open door of one of them he could glimpse open shelving displaying rows of pots .
27 Some characin fish there are seed predators as they crush seeds , which are not destroyed in the gut itself .
28 In the ante-room all evening there 's Baron Stockmar
29 In the evening there were snooker matches played between the various posts .
30 Under STV there are multimember constituencies , with each elector able to indicate a preference on the ballot paper , putting the number 1 beside the name of the candidate most preferred , number 2 against the name of the elector 's second choice , and so on .
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