Example sentences of "[noun] if you [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's not bad I suppose ’ — David Quantick on Ecstasy ‘ From the side if you squint and wear shades he looks almost human and not Welsh at all . ’
2 You can , of course , use an alternative type electrolytic capacitor if you wish but you will have to adjust the mounting position accordingly .
3 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
4 You can get some books if you want but Gwyneth 's given you some money for books as well .
5 So that any any school within Nottinghamshire if you like or or Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire or whatever might be appropriate in this area .
6 You should consult your health care practitioner if you suspect that mastitis is on the way but start with the following measures immediately .
7 ‘ Your boots are muddy , ’ she said , then before I could answer , ‘ You may use this room for hearing cues if you wish and going over parts .
8 Erm I think bro broadly , certainly by the time you 've got through to the later spring th th there is y yes I mean i in a sense there are sort of three areas if you like but , but very broadly the areas which had not been taken over yet i is very much a slower process of consolidation and then you wait for the next rule .
9 exactly , yeah and we can do that with everything , we can do that with everything , this is my perception and that 's your perception of this thing that I 'm holding in my hand , everything that we 've seen have that ability you know , we 've got the ability to do that with everything , what we need to do sometimes is walk around the issue if you like and look at it from another perspective and , and this is what we 're doing with Ethiopia , now , erm , the good section again was looking at images and particularly the fact that a lot of images are very negative and throwing an alternative view , the second section we 're looking at news coverage which is very sketchy , erm , it does n't provide a complete picture at all , and this third section well you saw what that 's about there
10 There 's been one pretty definite go at her , and you can ask Alec Reynolds if you doubt that — if you 've got a ouija board , that is . ’
11 I , when I took them back and looked at them , there were lots and lots of , of re er , errors if you like that if you had really looked at them you could of picked out yourself .
12 Well we 'll just put that one over and that 's got rid of that bar if you like as long as it
13 You know cancel any of your big debts because it 's going to help your budgeting if you know that you 've got rid of a lot of er
14 Karen if you go and sit on that seat over there then , come on
15 At the same time it , I mean the countries wo , have been crippled by the the burden of er defence if you like and we 'll call it defence .
16 Mark a D for difficulty if you think that expectation will cause you some difficulty .
17 Whatever they like bottom of the River Trent if you like but it would be very going off the subject and I 've only got a minute or two to spare but what someone pointed out to me that terrible monstrosity outside the Theatre Royal subway and every time I pass I fume inwardly .
18 So I mean is certainly makes sense on the background and very calmly by er Mr saying very positive so I ca n't hold my hand up and pick out particular in which they , some of them er never change opposition District Council that their negative response if you like but there were , there were some positive responses but only I have to say this for something like four er proposed paper and one of those in which er lots of in which relevance and er businesses in the area could have er the thing that er response was er this this partic particular phrase would seem to be saying trouble erm er identified .
19 While your friends are giving you a hard time at present if you persist and refuse to indulge in drug taking they should eventually accept you as a non-user .
20 I mean you can use a calculator if you like but have a go without .
21 You could call ingenuity if you like and er but it 've , did apply my lad and er once you 'd got one , you could have er one cast and dress it up and you 'd got another one , you know what I mean .
22 If , if you look in your books page one seven seven , you 'll see a beautifully illustrated instruction on how to do it , which you can refer to yourself this evening or later on in the course if you forget but I 'm now gon na show you how to do one as well , you , if you want to know it 's there for you to look up you take the bandage and fold it into your narrow fold band and put it round your leg , you 've got something to tie a reef knot round , okay ? if you know how to do a reef knot already fine , just do it , if you do n't , follow instructions .
23 Normally organisers will allow you to re-weigh on another set of scales if you believe that a particular set is reading heavy .
24 And so there 's a tremendous onus upon your good selves , to highlight the experience if you like and expertise you have of spotting problems , and explaining how you will get around then within the given fee-bid .
25 ‘ You have a very limited idea of creativity if you imagine that critics are n't real people .
26 Mum if you , he can have a bit of me milk if you like when you , that bit yeah
27 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
28 One method is to switch the foreign currency loan back into sterling if you think that sterling will weaken significantly — more than a possibility .
29 So what you 're doing , in fact is to if you 've got a hundred and twenty percent if you divide that by of a hundred in other words , you move your decimal point two places that 's a decimal .
30 But Mr if you know that in the real world ordinary people will often rely on statements in a brochure like this , do n't you agree ? , that 's the object of it
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