Example sentences of "[noun] has now be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although abandoned as derelict in the early 1960S , the present building has now been restored and is open as a working museum , producing stone-ground flour for sale .
2 Toshiba Corp has now been drawn into the IBM-Apple Computer Inc alliance following the announcement that it and Apple have an agreement to develop multimedia technology , combining Apple software skills with Toshiba 's expertise in semiconductors and consumer electronics .
3 The chassis has now been checked and passed by British Rail 's Chief Mechanical Inspector Mr. Brian Penny .
4 And it was on that basis that they decided to go to the point near Sand Hutton where provision has now been made for them .
5 Progress in this direction has now been achieved for a diversity of world areas and requires ancillary information related to climatic change and , in turn , when sufficient information becomes available could contribute to the reconstruction of world patterns .
6 this decision has now been confirmed by the court of appeal .
7 ‘ I initially agreed to a meeting but that decision has now been put on hold , ’ he explained .
8 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
9 Why the Scots in general , and the sea-fishermen in particular , should have put up with this monstrous injustice is hard to understand , but the insult has now been compounded to a degree which surely demands some national response .
10 The letter continues : ‘ As the barrier to the central portion of the car park has now been removed , what guarantee do I have that a parking space will be available ?
11 Work on the two drainage ditches to keep water off the deck has now been completed and we have now done some work to provide steps down to trackbed level .
12 John McCarthy has now been held hostage in Beirut for four years .
13 That so-called ‘ soft ’ subjects like health are now valid areas of inquiry and sport merits better and more detailed coverage has now been realised .
14 The pouch has now been excised .
15 The effectiveness of this measure has now been neutralized , in order to boost private welfare .
16 Er , now to move on to events that have happened since the , er , annual report was printed many of you will no doubt have seen in the press that the same time as we announced our results at the end of March that we agreed to buy , er , the Alton Towers theme park er , in Staffordshire , from John , for sixty million pounds er , the purchase has now been completed .
17 In the last of these particularly , the peristyle has now been restored , as has the garden , and one gains a vivid impression of the original appearance ( 144 ) .
18 The artificial strip has now been laid at Linford Cricket Club 's Broxhead ground and club members profess themselves very pleased with it .
19 The TV licensing authority says the cheque HAS now been cleared , so Mr Smart no longer has anything to fear .
20 Much of the responsibility for running our community and educational programmes has now been devolved to our business and operating sites .
21 Overall profits were affected by restructuring costs of 1.8m in the Industrial operation , Linatex , where a much more efficient base has now been established .
22 This route has now been cut .
23 The idea of using chemiluminescence has now been developed commercially by Amersham International .
24 [ New ] Wolverton has now been modernised and , apart from a pleasant public library and some flower beds in the narrow residential streets , I do not think that the result is a great amelioration .
25 The official Singer correspondence course has now been operating for about nine months and has proved to be very popular .
26 That 's right it 's been smothered under a kind of blanket , and that blanket has now been taken off .
27 Shirley branch has now been trading for 3O years , and to celebrate its birthday a dinner-dance is being held at the Novotel Hotel in Southampton on October 16 .
28 A suggested framework has now been put forward : two examples of possible priorities which could emerge are mapped out below .
29 The case has now been listed for hearing before the Commissioners .
30 That case has now been settled with all allegations of misconduct being withdrawn and Mr Holdsworth has been compensated for the loss of his pension rights .
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