Example sentences of "[noun] has not be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the renaming of revered academically institutions has not been without problems .
2 But because agriculture has n't been in G A T T or up until recently has n't been in G A T T agricultural protectionism has grown throughout that period right .
3 Oracle Corp has n't been in the applications business that long , but the company is already onto release 9 of its Oracle Applications suite of financial , government financial , manufacturing , and personnel applications .
4 Equally , triumphalism of the dotty kind has not been in evidence at all ; nobody , for example , has let slip the belief that the present knowledge of genetics is so certain and detailed that the future of the human race can now be predicted .
5 Sarah has n't been in has she ?
6 Sergei said Bernard has n't been in touch with Bailey for days , certainly not since C.W. and I were assigned to the case . ’
7 ‘ My mind has not been on dust , Emilia . ’
8 Of course AMV has not been without its critics .
9 Antony has n't been to the dentist for about six years !
10 Applebey concluded that , whilst useful to lawyers , the pre-trial review in the county court civil action has not been of enormous assistance to the ordinary person trying to conduct his or her own case .
11 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
12 I 'm not even sure that his main pleasure has not been in proving to Madame Duvalle that he was right about me .
13 The pub has n't been in use for several years .
14 All mechanical parts seem in very good order and the vehicle has not been in any accidents .
15 ‘ Brother Tutilo has not been in my especial care until this journey , ’ he said carefully , ‘ but I have always found him truly devoted to our house of Ramsey .
16 The rapid increase in home ownership has not been without its problems .
17 That adjustment has not been without its advantages , in fact .
18 Fuchs 's career as a museum director has not been without controversy .
19 Although the Church was slow off the mark following the population migration and concentration in the expanding towns during the Industrial Revolution , failure has not been for want of trying .
20 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
21 The resurrection has not been without pain , however .
22 In profit-oriented organizations this emphasis has not been to the exclusion of performance measures for the simple reason that , because of the existence of the profit measure , the stewardship accounts can be analysed to yield pointers to performance .
23 True , Romany King has not been at his most convincing so far this season , but he has been trained with the National very much in mind .
24 However , this service has not been without delays and mishaps and early in the season Regional Railways had no stock for it , an InterCity rake with buffet + DVT was substituted but the DVT came off at Salop !
25 The job of supervising health policy for Scotland 's largest heath authority has not been without its difficulties .
26 Mrs Bolger who 's expecting a baby next month has not been in court but her husband Ralph sat through the first two days .
27 My father has n't been in touch since I was eight years old .
28 Okay , it is often argued that , I mean this is the principal reason why agricultural trade has n't been in the GATT negotiations , because agricultural er , protectionism has been enshrined in domestic agricultural policy , govern policy makers will say , we are protecting er , our own domestic industries right , because we , because of er , erm , deleterious effects that would be imposed , or the burdens that would be imposed on domestic agriculture if we did n't , we do n't think that the fabric of the rural society could withstand the reversion to laissez faire in agricultural goods .
29 However , constitutional theory has not been at the heart of modern social science research .
30 The impact has not been in one direction only : the political culture has served to shape political perceptions and actions , and hence to influence the nation 's political history .
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