Example sentences of "[noun] but [adj] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There were a few small birds around in the hazel branches but that was all .
2 Even manager Lawrie McMenemy admitted : ‘ There were times when teams could n't hold a candle to England but that 's all changed now .
3 ‘ People used to queue up to get a pub but that 's all stopped now .
4 The rest of the day went to plan apart from the groom having to cut the wedding cake with a chainsaw but that 's another story .
5 Answers from the guys who 've actually seen some football this year ( you lucky , lucky people ! ) — actually I saw a Yale match last week — complete farce but that 's another story ! !
6 Erm the back of the skull er and it did n't last I think it lasted two or three weeks but that was all .
7 Some studies , for example of ageing effects in polymers and of creep , have extended as long as 3 years but these are few .
8 There are exceptions but these are few .
9 I 'm gon na start with the support for trade unions small item twenty six thousand pounds to the NALGO project , there 's a G M B budget but that 's all nearly all paid for out of direct services we do n't want to touch that .
10 A face attack may cause a slight reddening but that is all .
11 Oh , I 'll tell you the truth some day but that 's another story .
12 He is a double winner of the rally but that was some time ago and since then McKinstry has made the place very much is own , his sequence of victories punctuated only by the years in which he did not have a competitive car or the opposition included someone of the calibre of Mikael Sundstrom .
13 Now if somebody steals that it 's an awful nuisance but that 's all it is .
14 We are not in the habit of issuing personal threats but that was such a vicious slur that we 'll kick the shit out of him .
15 The Scottish United Service Museum is very useful for those investigation a military subject but that is all and so it limited and those who are interested have to make an advanced appointment which means that when they arrive all books will be ready for them .
16 I watched her do this and bring about the destruction of one of England 's greatest noblemen but that 's another story .
17 In the suburb in London they went to Mass on Sundays but that was that .
18 Mr Green said : ‘ We had lots of food but that 's all blitzed .
19 I got off with Andrew but that 's all a p only a who I get off with him and I do n't fancy him , I know I do n't want to go out with him I just fancy him for the occasional snog , fair enough but I 'm just saying like you know you fancy
20 Well yeah I mean I 'm , I shall go up to the bank but that 's all
21 I mean I have to pay for my books at the end of the year but that 's all .
22 P and T grades but that 's all .
23 Okay for a quicky game of cards but that 's all .
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