Example sentences of "[noun] 's [noun] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 Lendoiro secured a loan to wipe out the club 's debts and give the club some clout in the transfer market .
2 His graphic accounts of this experience established him as anthropology 's Conrad and gave the subject the fiercely empirical tradition which is its hallmark in Britain to this day .
3 Also on 13 March Fawcett received the ‘ preliminary note ’ at his editor 's office and gave it top priority .
4 There was no question of MacDonald following Bonar Law 's example and giving him Chequers .
5 The ensuing exchange over the months turned the whole cast of Balzac 's Comédie Humaine into Katherine 's familiars and gave her an awareness of greed and ambition , love and betrayal far beyond her years .
6 Filling more than 200 storage boxes , the Tree prompt books and play scripts form the bulk of the Collection , but there are many other items of equal value which shed a great deal of light on Tree 's productions and give valuable insight into Victorian and Edwardian staging .
7 ‘ At 6pm , Dr Greenson went to Marilyn 's house and gave her an enema containing a strong dose of sedating drugs .
8 Will they feel empty on the last child 's departure and give substance to what is often called the ‘ empty nest ’ syndrome of marriage ?
9 Manipulating this much information puts a considerable strain on the processor 's memory and gives you a storage problem to boot !
10 One could imagine him in the witness box , speaking in a dull monotone , taking his time to answer counsel 's questions and giving clear , unshakable explanations or admitting his ignorance plainly .
11 Just give Phil 's back and give the bank 's back
12 The Court of Appeal therefore allowed the appeal , dismissed the plaintiff 's claim and gave judgment for the defendants on their counterclaim .
13 She sat holding her husband 's hand and gave a brief nod as if in answer to his unspoken question , then when he cleared his throat awkwardly she patted his hand and spoke for him .
14 The sale proceeds will be used to pay off Heywood Williams 's debts and give it net cash of £65 million to fund expansion .
15 If one is threatened it can call upon the other 's aid and give a ‘ protected threat ’ to its adversary .
16 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
17 Greimas maps onto his diagram Propp 's basic narrative chiasmus : traitor ravishes king 's daughter and transfers her elsewhere to hide her , hero finds somewhere king 's daughter and gives her back to her parents .
18 Anselm , glad to escape from the secular snares into a world he understood , refused the king 's demand and gave his proffered £500 to the poor .
19 Doing his best to stay awake , he chatted to Mills until satisfied that the other was convinced of his academic credentials and then , to get rid of him before Syrian George arrived to transcribe the night 's tapes and give the game away , sent him over to see Hurley , who wanted to know if Mills , in the course of his travels in and out of Lebanon for Newsweek , would like to shoot a few pictures for the DEA .
20 A female was believed to come back after a night 's hunt and give her milk to whichever baby grabbed her teat first .
21 ‘ ( 1 ) Every local education authority shall make arrangements for enabling the parent of a child in the area of the authority to express a preference as to the school at which he wishes education to be provided for his child in the exercise of the authority 's functions and to give reasons for his preference .
22 China on Sept. 29 welcomed Bush 's proposals but gave no details of plans for its strategic arsenal of 12 intercontinental and 60 medium-range nuclear missiles .
23 She bounced to the mirror to powder and tweak for a moment , catching Conroy 's eye and giving him a wink .
24 Her organs were used to save four people 's lives and give sight to two more .
25 A person in possession of someone else 's cheque book and guarantee card forged the owner 's signature and gave the cheque to the plaintiffs , supporting it by the guarantee card .
26 Because British intelligence has been reluctant to spy on a legitimately elected government and has also been forbidden from keeping ministers under surveillance , MI5 has welcomed the CIA 's intervention and given it a free rein in its British operations , always provided that it can share the resulting information .
27 She saw Anne 's expression and gave a harsh , bitter laugh .
28 So-called from ‘ hak ’ , a species of snake , developing into the term ‘ hagge ’ during the sixteenth century to describe ‘ a succubus who sits on a man 's chest and gives him nightmares ’ .
29 The providers of training ended up playing the government 's games and giving it credibility when it was in reality doing nothing in a serious situation .
30 Subject to these limitations , any partner will have implied authority to sell the goods of the firm , receive payments of the firm 's debts and give receipts for them and to engage employees for the firm 's business .
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