Example sentences of "[noun] are some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Growing along old mill-races or near mill-ponds are some of the stoutest and hoariest of pollard willows , which are the glory of any river bank .
2 Wicker baskets , wrought-iron work and embroidered tablecloths are some of the other traditional crafts .
3 Not only has the Labour party not realised that GCSE results at 16 in Labour-controlled authorities are some of the worst , but it has learnt nothing — it still opposes standardised testing from the age of seven .
4 Among the suits are some from the Greens and others from far-right Republicans .
5 This is a most pathetic piece of pontification , even if we appreciate that modern artists are some of the greatest censors of art ( i.e. Rauschenberg erasing de Kooning ) .
6 In terms of concentrations of dust in the air , Chinese industrial cities are some of the dirtiest in the world .
7 Country has doubled its share of record sales in America , to 16.5% , since 1990 ; its star performers are some of the hottest names in pop ; and radio stations playing non-stop country are ranked first or second in an astonishing 70% of America 's top 100 radio markets .
8 Subjects as diverse as tumour growth , gene structure , adaptive radiation in grasses , cell wall composition and the production of compounds of economic importance by plant tissue cultures are some of the topics of current research .
9 Here , in beautiful pine wood settings are some of the most prestigious and exclusive hotels in Sardinia .
10 The seas off the Namibian coast are some of the richest in the world .
11 Bali , Sri Lanka and Las Vegas are some of the wild and wonderful destinations featured in the Distant Dreams brochure .
12 ‘ I 've been looking for it for years , but I 'm not in charge of promotion and the people senior to me in my department are some of the most brilliant minds in England , and elsewhere for that matter . ’
13 Pictures are some of the appeal 's organisers : .
14 There are 3,000 varieties , but you need only remember a few of them : Chardonnay , Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are some of the most common examples .
15 Desire , Christianity and colonial power on the Carribean island of Curacao are some of the themes of the stunning AVA & GABRIEL .
16 Further south are some of the outstanding examples of the Byzantine influenced Romanesque churches of France .
17 Drugs , racial tension , street crime and a massive urban underclass are some of the biggest problems facing the United States today , but for many right-wing politicians , Aids is n't a problem — it 's a solution .
18 PAHs are some of the same group of cancer-causing substances that are found in cigarette smoke , oil and vehicle exhaust fumes .
19 Joe Brown and The Beatles are some of the repeated SOUNDS OF THE SIXTIES before Herbie Hancock chills out with his jazzer mates on BIRD LAND .
20 In the visual system of birds , colours and contrasting outlines are some of the features picked out and responded to strongly .
21 In Leopold Street are some of the lace factories that brought prosperity and expansion to this former village in the nineteenth century .
22 The fossils of plants are some of the most attractive that the amateur collector is likely to find .
23 Generally active by day , wrasse are some of the most colourful and strikingly marked fish .
24 Mutual support , minimized status differences , collective problem-solving and fun are some of the overt behaviours we can observe in team cohesion .
25 Radical changes in the way education is delivered and increasing competition for scarce resources are some of the challenges universities will face in the years ahead .
26 Tim Robson of auctioneers Sotheby 's says that Latin American railways bonds depicting trains and elaborately coloured Chinese bonds are some of the prettiest notes around .
27 Tim Robson of auctioneers Sotheby 's says that Latin American railways bonds depicting trains and elaborately coloured Chinese bonds are some of the prettiest notes around .
28 Tim Robson of auctioneers Sotheby 's says that Latin American railways bonds depicting trains and elaborately coloured Chinese bonds are some of the prettiest notes around .
29 And nor is it simply a question of numbers — among these studies are some of the subtlest , most ingenious and most penetrating essays written in our time , and the factor common to almost all , the naive or the clumsy as well as the brilliant , is the conviction explicit or implicit that Joyce is an outstanding , indeed for some the outstanding , modern writer .
30 But Aero is n't just about saving money , it 's about style : the shapes for dining chairs and tables are some of the best-looking around .
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