Example sentences of "[noun] are more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
2 Very frequently people closer to today 's marketplace than to the board are more realistic about the possibilities for their business than those at the top .
3 The scope of this provision , which is examined later in this book , is unclear , but it would seem that both categories of standard terms identified in Schroeder may fall into the definition of " written standard terms " ; however , those in the first category are more likely to be regarded as reasonable than those in the second .
4 The papillae of the jaw are more regular in shape , arrangement , and are not long , spine-like like those of O. clavigera and O. cordifera ; adoral shields have glassy tubercles in the plate matrix which appears to be absent in the other species , the ventral arm plates are broader than those of O. clavigera and O. cordifera .
5 right now though Swindon are more concerned about their league form … in yesterday 's live Central Match they came a cropper …
6 However since controls are imposed to achieve specific policy aims ( eg to reduce inflation ) it is clear that prices and incomes policies are more likely in some periods ( eg when inflation is high ) than others .
7 While MTD 's European operations are more dependent on its traditional fabrication and refining businesses , the benefits from the final phase of the group 's rationalisation programme have sustained performance despite depressed market conditions .
8 Open-market operations are more likely to be effective in reducing the money supply , therefore , when conducted in the bond market .
9 There is an overwhelming body of evidence that British employers are more aware of the importance of training for their future than has ever been the case in the past .
10 Those coins are more important to him than anything . ’
11 On the credit side , collaboration with Europe has three great advantages : development costs , though not halved , are reduced from about a third to a quarter for each country depending on how many countries participate ; production runs are longer , leading to lower costs ; and , from the cynical military point of view , expensive high-risk collaborative projects are more difficult for governments to cancel .
12 Local authority loans for house purchase are more likely to be made to manual groups and they tend to concentrate on the purchase of older dwellings .
13 Soft-sided cases are more likely to be damaged when they 're stacked up to be transported
14 These methods of payment are more likely to be accepted if they are requested right up front before you start to do business and if they are presented as being the only way you do business .
15 Hiatus hernias are more likely in smokers who 've got a chronic cough , which puts repeated strain on the abdomen , and also in men who do too much heavy lifting .
16 However , specific faith-sharing and prayer group activities are more relevant in retreat settings and will not normally take place in the classroom where the focus is predominantly educational in nature .
17 Amnesty International 's report that this unholy alliance is responsible for at least 2,500 political killings in the past two years demonstrates that the Colombian authorities are more interested in waging a war on the left than on the drug cartels .
18 Is this sort of thing on the increase because the authorities are more aware of the need to control and manipulate the photographers , or to present them with carefully chosen opportunities and photographers are under increasing pressures ?
19 Not surprisingly , working hours are more important to employed married women than to employed men , since they have the double burden of employment work and housework .
20 At any moment the fortunes of ICI are more likely to be affected by the trend in exchange rates , or oil prices , or the budgetary policies of the United States of America , or the attitude to international trade of the Japanese , than by things which are more directly within our own control .
21 The distinction is useful because companies that seize an opportunity in markets outside their domestic base are more likely to be successful than those that react in response to an external factor .
22 The conclusion given in both the Johansson studies was simply that the probability of a driver actually detecting a road sign is extremely low , but that some signs are more likely to be detected than others .
23 Deaths due to exposure are more likely during winter in temperate mountains and uplands than on properly-managed polar expeditions .
24 The most helpful sources of support are more likely to be the parents of other children who have experienced the same trauma .
25 Thicker yarns are more effective for large designs and lighter colours will usually show up a complex design more clearly than small designs ,
26 However , this does not necessarily prove that direct taxes are more efficient in economic terms than indirect taxes , for the following three reasons :
27 The landscapes are pleasantly rural and in places beautiful , but they lack excitement ; it is a district where dairy cows and fat sheep are more likely to be seen than eagles and deer , and gentle streams rather than mountain cataracts .
28 While few cities are more obsessed with soccer than Glasgow , the NFL believes it would attract a different , younger audience to watch American football .
29 The bones of a small rodent species eaten by a small owl are more likely to be broken than the bones of the same rodent species eaten by a larger owl , even though in both cases the rodent may have been swallowed whole .
30 Invertebrates are more efficient at regrowing lost parts .
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