Example sentences of "[noun] are [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In general , institutions are organized social groups embodying social roles , relations , processes , norms and instruments or complexes of cultural patterns , norms and procedures , which satisfy some important social interest ( e.g. educational , economic , religious , etc ) .
2 Beginners are given intensive language teaching , leading rapidly to the reading of original texts , and are able , on successful completion of the course , to join former 1B students in the second-year class .
3 All the prisoners are given temporary parole and most use it to the full .
4 Prisoners are given some choice as to which prison they go to ; what work they do ; what training or education courses they undertake .
5 Nowadays 100 million cups of Ovaltine are drunk each year .
6 What I did not realise before was that whilst new accounts are given much publicity and the rates of interest are proudly displayed , the accounts of existing investors no longer available to fresh punters are discreetly removed from such lists .
7 Those in the last category are given least priority , though that does not mean they are never funded . ’
8 To compensate , the latter category are allowed longer slices of time when they are selected to use the processor .
9 An article in the weekly Die Zeit urging a more liberal citizenship law said only about 1,000 of the 1.8 million Turks in Germany are naturalised each year under complicated rules .
10 The important thing is to make sure that those people that have got those particular skills are given those roles to be able to perform that role perform use those skills .
11 Terms which are not expressly agreed between the parties but inserted by law into the contract are called implied terms .
12 Operations are announced 10 days in advance , giving the godfathers plenty of time to pull out .
13 If our democracy is to retain popular support and respect , it seems vital that the 60pc of voters regularly voting for change are given some opportunity to bring their ideals and values to bear on society .
14 This agency should be funded as employers are given financial help to carry out their obligations under the legislation .
15 Within each country , paper notes and coins are made legal tender by the government and must therefore be accepted in payment for goods and services .
16 In the Netherlands , many quoted companies have widespread share ownership but the shareholders are given little power and technical barriers to takeovers are very important .
17 Vegetables are imported each week into Heathrow .
18 Banks financing oil and gas pipeline projects are given similar guarantees by means of through-put agreements which set the minimum usage of the facility by the various contracting parties .
19 Summons hearings are held fortnightly , and committal cases are held three weeks out of four .
20 They each have stringent but achievable targets such as a commitment that 99 per cent of deliveries will be case-accurate — no easy matter when ten million cases are delivered each week .
21 ‘ Several thousand cases are sold each year , ’ says an Invergordon spokesman , ‘ but most of the sales are in Britain .
22 Health authorities are advised that introduction of new screening programmes requires ethical research committee consent .
23 ‘ Judith and Patrick are told two days after the eagerly-awaited birth of their first baby , that he is suffering from Down 's Syndrome — he is a mongol .
24 The figures for Newham are dated 14 November , so I hope that we do not hear Ministers say that they are not up to date .
25 The announcement only fuelled speculation that he is earmarked for greater things in the Shandwick organisation , of which PRCS is now a part , or even that he was preparing the way for something completely different when his five-year golden handcuffs are released next year .
26 DAN MCSWEENEY and Nicholas Pentreath are appointed Dry Cargo Shipbrokers with Anderson Hughes .
27 Entry forms are distributed each September and , if your college has not received a form , apply now .
28 Where this has been done in the UK these natural monopolies are called nationalized industries , and we discuss them more fully in the next chapter .
29 How many entries on the police national computer are deleted each week ?
30 If you want to use a different yarn and , especially for readers overseas who may not be able to buy the originals , the yarns are shown actual size so that you can compare your substitute yarn with the original .
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