Example sentences of "[noun] are [adv] [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 The problems of the Defence budget are generally well known .
2 Why is this , when the arguments against smoking are so widely known ?
3 The House may think that my views are already well known .
4 Therefore , though T a is known , J 2 and f are too poorly known for the calculated range of possible values of C to provide a useful constraint on density models .
5 Let's face it , your brothers are more well known on their own turf-than around this way .
6 Firstly , geography alone means foreign traders are less well known to one another because of the distances involved , e.g. a Brazilian exporter despatching goods to Singapore .
7 Although their roles are less well known , complex I subunits also appear to be involved in the functioning of this complex .
8 ‘ My books are very little known . ’
9 The effect upon the family of extra-familial sexual activity on the part of a parent are too widely known and have been too much discussed to need much elaboration here .
10 The political loyalties of the different companies are also well known : Harris works for the Conservative Party , while Market & Opinion Research International ( MORI ) is usually chosen by the Labour Party .
11 A growing number of companies are already publicly known to be distress sellers of property .
12 Only Cook 's voyages , the first in the series , are anything like as famous : even the polar voyages of Parry , Franklin and Ross are relatively little known , and in Britain the French , Russian , Spanish and American scientific expeditions in the same tradition are forgotten .
13 The fortifications of the town are no better known than the streets .
14 Curiously enough , the Locks at Foxton are much better known than the Inclined Plane .
15 The terms of service of the German ministeriales are very imperfectly known , and seem to have been longer ; even there , dependence on the loyalty and efficiency of widely scattered bishoprics and abbeys could be cumbersome and inefficient .
16 Since this is one aspect of the " ongoing negotiation " and preferences of " newcomers " to the interaction can not be assumed at the outset , the circumstances which will most favour a speedy agreement to use Creole are those where there are few participants — ideally the minimum , two — and these individuals are already well known to each other , and known to favour Creole .
17 Pavlov , Thorndike and Skinner are particularly well known for their research in this field of psychology , though Pavlov himself was a physiologist .
18 The biogas projects of India and China are now well known : sewage animal waste is fermented to give a combustible gas ( methane diluted with carbon dioxide ) .
19 It is likely that the arguments about public spending , taxation and economic prosperity will continue throughout the 1990s , and it is important that the facts about the real costs and benefits of welfare are as widely known as possible .
20 In Britain , the ideas of Beccaria are probably best known through their influence on Bentham .
21 York ham is renowned throughout the world , although other hams are less well known .
22 The pill 's more certain beneficial effects on benign breast disease and on cancer of the ovaries and of the uterus are less widely known .
23 Electrolytes are more commonly known as ‘ blood salts ’ .
24 Although these differences are now widely known , there is so far no satisfactory explanation nor do particular penal philosophies , or the adoption of deliberate policy choices in favour of a greater or lesser use of custody , necessarily seem to have expected or intended effect on one jurisdiction or explain why its of imprisonment differs from that of another jurisdiction .
25 Further rationing of high cost drugs should be resisted until the costs of other developments are equally well known , debated among peer groups , and evaluated in use .
26 Apart from three mathematically intricate proportional puzzle-motets , Bedyngham 's works are almost entirely known from manuscripts compiled abroad on the continent of Europe .
27 Cook 's innovations are already well known at a general level , with the inclusive guided tour and the traveller 's cheque system being perhaps the best known .
28 BEAUMARCHAIS 's comedies are less well known in this country ( though still popular with the Comedie Francais ) than the operas derived from them , Rossini 's The Barber Of Seville and Mozart 's The Marriage of Figaro .
29 The mysterious and plaintive songs and calls of the humpback whales are now well known , after the efforts of Americans Roger and Katy Payne to record their haunting deep-sea melodies .
30 Gorillas , dolphins and whales certainly have a reputation for being peace-loving and harmless to humans but , on the other hand , tigers and polar bears are both well known as potential man-eaters , while elephants can hardly be described as innocuous , even if they prefer to mind their own business most of the time .
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