Example sentences of "[noun] are [adv] just [adj] " in BNC.

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1 one team that is winning in 93 are the Milton Keynes Aces … they 're going for the Wheelchair Basketball championship … their latest win was over league leaders Oldham Owls … the Aces are now just one point off the top …
2 Their learning strategies are not just personal responses , but partly predictable and rational responses to the situation in which they find themselves .
3 Spindles are often just screw-nailed to the handrail and bottom rail .
4 Meetings are not just time-consuming they are also expensive .
5 But these optical storage products are essentially just that — products rather than interactive , multimedia services .
6 But disciplinary cultures are not just conservative in character , fixed for all time .
7 The contradictions are not just one-sided .
8 Patios are not just featureless hard-paved areas ; they are ripe for individual decoration .
9 Its traces are still just visible amongst the wreckage of the modern urban motorway system .
10 The feelings aroused by these relationships are not just affectionate ones , but also hostile and negative towards the parent who is not so affectionate .
11 Although summarized as an alcohol education course , the sessions are not just concerned with giving information but also with enabling participants to make practical use of it .
12 In species like " Ophiophthalmus " granifera Koehler , 1922 and O. cataleimmoida ( H. L. Clark , 1911 ) the proximal dorsal arm plates are only just contiguous .
13 These dark veins are not just potential channels for wine or air to seep through .
14 That is odd , because Wall Street 's troubles are not just cyclical .
15 But the band are not just successful recording artists .
16 The problems are not just financial , but emotional , social and physical .
17 ‘ It is also important because wrecks in Scottish waters are usually just that — complete wrecks .
18 If things are not just right , they have to go through that process all over again .
19 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
20 Our ideas of how these originated and fitted into the early Church hierarchy are only just developing , but already the pattern is becoming clearer .
21 The sectional interests of the white working class and trade unions all indicate that divisive and sectional class interests are not just cultural phenomena .
22 These sayings are n't just conscious evasions .
23 We can remind our children that faithfulness , chastity and married love are not just old-fashioned negative values that inhibit freedom ; they are positive life-enhancing virtues .
24 Will he emphasise again and again that the victims of terrorism are not just those who are maimed , injured and killed but the many people who are put on the dole because terrorism deters investment from elsewhere in Europe ?
25 The problems of community care are not just financial
26 These investigations of the sun 's luminosity are not just intellectual curiosity .
27 User interfaces are not just pretty screen representations : as their use is extended they will come to express the whole nature of the system data model , and will probably become highly specialized as the interfaces move from function-oriented to task-oriented forms .
28 The potential pathogenicity of free radicals has been emphasised by recent work which suggests that reactive oxygen metabolities are not just one of a number of mediators and cytokines involved in the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease but may have a pivotal role by initiating the expression of genes controlling may other aspects of the inflammatory , immune , and acute phase response , by activation of the transcription factor NF-kΒ .
29 The ending reminds us that the boys are really just little boys who are childish , not the animals and cannibals we thought they were .
30 In his plates for John Gould 's bird books the character of the bird comes through , so that the birds of prey are not just accurate but menacing .
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