Example sentences of "[noun] of [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 This experience appeared to transform him and he threw himself into a great surge of composition , writing a Mass of Thanksgiving for unaccompanied choir filling 100 pages of manuscript , which he completed in 15 days , as well as other works , including a setting of Out of the Deep which is given its first performance by his choir at St Philip and St James , Cheltenham , at his funeral on today .
2 It is dealt with in detail here because visitors in search of out of the way spots are almost certain to pass through it on their way to Appenzell , or even to break their journey here .
3 They recorded their new demos not under the blazing summary affluence of a Compass Point but in the rundown but equally effective ruins of Out Of The Blue , an eight-track studio in the rat-infested decay of Ancoats , Manchester .
4 Is this sort of out of the question , or
5 It 's really quite warm now out sort of out of the wind .
6 In the Duddon Valley on Little Blake Rigg up a wall right of Out Of The Game , The Sellafield Shuffle — E3 6a — has been climbed by S. Wood and A. Rowell .
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